Level 6: Death

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As you destroy more and more of everything others had made you saw that the areas were getting worse and worse but as you felt nothing you started to really feel nothing as you saw the black gem on your bracelet start to glow and make all the other lights fade out.

You felt the sense of destruction for everything and a hunger that you had never felt before that made you only want to devour anything that you came across but since you had trained yourself to not need anything to live with the bracelet you functioned more like a berserker than a starving animal.

But no matter how much self-control and discipline you may have it could not stop the hunger or need to devour all things you came across, but you used it as another form of training even though the whole ordeal was the worst feeling you had ever felt before.

But you pulled through the whole thing and tried your best to learn how to use the powers from the black gem and after fighting for a while you found that it was better to use for stealth operations than anything since it made you invisible while also being black made it a whole lot harder to see in the dark as well.

When you spotted the people, you desired to destroy you felt like the gem was calling you and leading you to a path that was not your own so with that thought in mind you did everything you could to hold back your desire to end them all before you had completely destroyed the system they had built.

Since the destruction of both their food making areas and the deaths of two of their fellow council members some people would be sad about such news, but you knew that they weren't because it meant they could gain a whole lot more with them gone.

After planning on what to do next you then decided to give up on making the plans and to just go head on with what you wanted to do which was to take down every area that they had owned while making the people realize how bad it was to depend on them and make a force of your own to destroy them without doing much of anything.

As you made your knew plan you knew that it had one big problem and that was how the hunters were mostly owned by the council members and that normal people would be destroyed by them but that would not be a problem if they were also on your side of conquest.

And all it took to do that was letting everyone know just how much they were stuffing themselves full with everything that was hard to come by for normal people and even for high ranking hunters.

After letting everyone see what they were like a lot of commotion between the people and those that are higher in power and as they tried to come up with certain lies and reasons as to why it was not true or that they deserved to have that much from saving you just tipped their storage out and let everyone else feast as they got furious.

After doing that enough times across the entire area it became apparent that the council members and those that served under them were lyres and that they only cared for themselves as while they all suffered from hunger, they filled themselves to the limit while looking down on them.

And even though you had not planned it you were amazed at just how fast and severe the people did not like being tricked and forced to do dirty work for others as they just sat back and reaped the rewards.

Because everyone just left and went on to try and find their own places to live that had no central power nor did it have the amount of corruption that was present in their current area of living, and you could see that the council members were very angry as they had just lost their tools to live.

And as they tried to force some of the people to stay by different means the people liked them less and less which made you laugh as you sat back and watched the whole thing go down with nothing left to do but see who would win and when it would be your time to work.

And when there were finally no more people in the area that could leave the ones that stayed had no say on when they could not do anything they wanted without first having to get permission from the over sears of their districts operations.

Which did not sit right with any of the people you told what was going down in their old homes and began to smile as they started to form their own fighting force to take down the oppressors and free everyone from being from the compounds as being free was the only way for them to live.

As the only person who was gaining anything from this you could not help but smile and laugh as everything was going your way, but you could not help to wonder if you had changed since coming here but thought nothing of it as if you did it was because of what had happened to you.

But even if you felt nothing from watching others go through what you had caused you decided to help them maybe it was your old self still being in there or maybe it was because you were bored either way it was a step towards changing into someone that would change everything.

But before that would happen you first had to help the people here live good lives while also making sure those that don't deserve to do so are punished for their crimes other than having them killed and as you had those thoughts the darkness and hunger slowly faded back to a normal like amount as the other gems started to glow again with faint light coming from green and white as well.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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