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Computer: "Initiate--combat training. 3. 2. 1."

Computer: "Fail--Aqualad

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Computer: "Fail--Aqualad."

Superboy: "Black Canary taught me that."

Wally: "Do you have a mission for us? "

Red Tornado: "Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility."

Wally: "Yeah. Well, the Batman's with the Robin Doing the dynamic duo thing in Gotham, but you're headed somewhere, right? Hot date or a--a misión?"

Kaldur: "If we can be of help."

Red Tornado: "This is Kent Nelson, a friend

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Red Tornado: "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old."

Wally: "Guy doesn't look a day over 90."

You: "(Whacks Wally upside the head) Don't be talking down on us old timers."

Red Tornado: "And he has been missing for 23 days. Kent was a charter member of the justice society, The precursor to your mentors' justice league."

Kaldur: "Of course. Nelson was earth's sorcerer supreme. He was Doctor Fate."

Wally: "More like doctor fake. Guy knows a little advanced science and "Dumbledore's" it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes."

You slap Wally upside the head again but this time Artimis thanks you while you give her a wink and procced to continue trying to listen to the lecture as Ghia'ta and Per Lynn try to get your attention.

Red Tornado: "Kent may simply be on one of his walkabouts, but he is caretaker to the helmet of fate, The source of the doctor's mystic might, and it is unwise to leave such power unguarded."

M'gann: "He's like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars. I would be honored to help find him."

Wally: "Me, too. So honored I can barely stand it. Magic rocks."

As you try to slap Wally again this time, he manages to block your hands only to get slapped by Artemis instead as everyone laughs.

Red Tornado: "Take this. It is the key to the tower of fate."

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