True Heroes

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Marcel: "(Gets punched in the face by some meta wearing a techno collar) How the heck (punches back which the meta dodges but thanks to Fortis? nagging him Marcel creates a hook and like a boomerang hits him upside the head) Did it come down to this anyway?"

Max: "(Blasts away at anything that moves with his stun blaster) I don't know sir but I'd like to know more about where all these meta's came from!"

Looking above it appears that the two are completely surrounded at every direction with swarms and swarms of meta soldiers all wearing collars and all of them looking like they either wished to die or seemed to have no will of their own anymore and nothing else in between.

Well lets go back in time a bit back to when Marcel was getting a beating by one of Wonder Woman's fellow protege's since she was great at fighting and seemed to know how to a lot better than Marcel did as well as the fact that Wonder Woman forbid Marcel from using his bracelet.

Fortis?: "(Blows a raspberry) She just wants to see you suffer since she knows how unfair it is when lantern wielders can't use their rings... or in your case bracelet (turns to Marcel) I'd say your best bet is to bob and weave as much as you can till she gets tired."

Marcel trying his best to ignore everything Fortis? was telling him partly because he was in the midst of a fight and it's kind of hard to do anything when you have someone basically whispering in your ear as you try to concentrate and the other reason was because he couldn't have cared less about whatever Fortis? was saying.

But then again if he did Marcel probably wouldn't have gotten himself beaten as badly as he had since the Wondergirl that he was fighting seemed to have exceled at the Amazon training part but not at the humility part (still better than some other blonds Fortis? knows).

After the fact Marcel was allowed to create himself an ice pack which he used for his face, hands, legs, back, and other places that are probably best left unsaid as even through all that Marcel still had at least enough self respect to not try and show everyone how badly he got beaten.

Not because of how bad he got beat by a girl but more along the lines of just how one sided the fight truly was what with him not being able to use much of anything he knew how to do when it came to fighting and it didn't help much at all with how eager she seemed as the fought.

Wonder-Woman: "I've seen fighting before but (seems to try to find the right words to say)-"

Wonder-girl: "You were worse than a new born on Thenyscira! And I should know since I basically was one!"

Wonder-Woman: "(Gives Wonder-girl a cold stare before looking back at Marcel) I have no idea who taught you but they didn't seem to have any real knowledge in fighting or you were a terrible student who couldn't learn anything."

Marcel: "(Rolls eyes looks at where Fortis? was for a bit) I couldn't agree with you more about how awful my teacher was."

Fortis?: "HEY! While I may have been a bad teacher I can admit that (looks at Wonder-Woman) But I can definitely state that when it comes to skills theirs no one in the whole world who has more experience and abilities than I have... well save maybe the original should he somehow ever come back that is."

Marcel just rolls his eyes once again as he fully heals and leaves to see what everyone else was up to but before he could he saw Fortis? get a look in his eyes and before Marcel could do anything else he gets teleported to the house of nowhere as the weird team and Nightwing along with some guy in a black shirt exit the house.

Marcel: "(Turns towards Fortis?) You know I hate that when you transport me without word... no scratch that I just hate it in general."

Fortis? however didn't really seem to care all that much as he tried his best to nudge him towards Dick and the rest along with Max! of all people somehow showing up and to make things even weirder was that Max had stated that he called him over there.

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