Walls made from Rubble

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After a few months have passed you had advanced this little area that you call your own into a place safe, secure and one of if not the only place that could be considered paradise on this prison planet but that does not mean everything has changed inside because of it.

Because there are and always will be people who try to make a fortune by treating the people who live there or the people who come there like cash cows to buy there dangerous and illegal products because they don't care what they have to do to earn as much money as they could ever desire.

As you see the reports of the effects of such actions or when you find them yourself and not wanting anyone else to be hurt because of them anymore you always make sure to quickly end them before anyone else has to suffer anymore or at all because of those greedy individuals.

And thanks to your valiant efforts this area started to flourish with everything the residence would need and then sum whether it be food, water, or even places to go and enjoy themselves you had made areas for all of them so that you and everyone else could relax for a bit from their day-to-day fight for survival.

While you had also made it so that every group that you had made to help take care of and maintain your territory while you were either helping out as a fighter or doing something else when you were off duty would be rewarded for being good and doing good at their jobs while those that lied, cheat, or stolen while acting out in your name were made well aware of how much of a bad idea such action were if they had continued.

While you walked down the streets you heard nothing but praise from everyone around you for helping make the area better and safer to live in you could see that people were actually making a new start for themselves and not being forced to do so by others but mutual growth.

As you walked and saw all that you had made and accomplished in just but a few short moments you then told the people in charge of making to create a wall that divided the area as they were the only area that did not have one which helped the illegal activities increase a lot more than other areas because of it.

Even though you had the council of the different groups tell you not you had told them to commence anyway since you wanted to let everyone know that this was a place free from the destruction that others would try and bring upon it and was a place that any and all would be proud to call home.

While that was all happing you had also started to destroy any and all of the remaining forces that wanted to turn the area into a profit while also destroying it in the process hoping to make it so that the area never becomes like how it was before where no one was happy and almost everyone was affected by something.

When you finished you called in your teams to help secure and destroy any and all remaining bits of what they were making people take and making it a better area than it was before while making sure it was all clean in every shape and form of the word.

And one day while doing the normal everyday search and destroy you had enough of it and kept some of the people in areas for questing, but they would not last for long because when you saw a secret area underneath everything you had already found you almost puked at the sight.

They were forcing people to take new versions of their product without care of what it might cause to their body because they had believed that what they were doing was making a way for everyone to be able to survive in all the different lands while destroying the monsters in the process.

Was all that you read in the mad men papers that you had found laid out all across the different areas of the underground lab and the only thing that the people could do besides be in pain was beg for it to stop and be free, and if it was any other man, they would have gotten a quick way out from everything.

But as a man with the gift of being able to help others you had done so to all of them even if it had meant that you had to leave the area for some time so that you could freely fight off the remaining bit of rage that was caused from taking the drugs after you made sure no one else was to take it again or even have the thought of being able to do so.

When you had finally finished regressing back into the man that you were before with the help of your ability's walls had been made there have been no more reports of anything illegal for your area at least you then called up everyone and told them all it was time to celebrate long and hard because it was time that they were all finally free to be happy as much as they could be.

As you and the others celebrated you saw a little girl all on her own and when she told you that she no longer had any family she knew of and that she had no idea where to go you decided to take her and any other children who had nowhere else to go in.

Because you did it once and it was something you really enjoyed and after telling her that you saw the brightest smile appear on her face like no other you had seen before and as you let everyone know they started to celebrate even harder from the wonderous news.

All the while you could not help yourself from smiling at the grand scene of having a home for you, your new family, and everyone else that would desire one with the place that you had made with the help of others you had a similar thought and goal in mind as your.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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