Level 10: Gold

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As you fall down you and the tall blank faced man continue beating into each other until you have enough as you use him as a springboard and fly into the wall and while you do so you kick him in the gut and the face.

As you get closer and closer to the wall you get out the blasters that you had stolen and fire one at the crime boss while you shove the other into the wall as hard as you could trying your best to stop the moment of the fall.

As everything keeps getting darker and darker you shove the other blaster into the wall and just closer your eyes and hope for the best as you see your entire life flash before you from the moment you had found the bracelet, All the crazy and weird adventures you got to experience thanks to it, the not so great times when you lost your powers, and everything you had just experienced back home in the past year.

And as you got ready to meet your maker you started to see a giant golden glow coming from below and when you open your eyes you notice that your wrist is glowing, and the more time passes the dimmer it becomes.

You: "[Panickily and quickly] Everything under the skies and above the cosmos shall bend to my might for there is only one that commands all for all is mine and for anyone who goes against my will beware my power for Gold lanterns might."

The giant golden glow filled up everything and when everything finally went back to normal you flew all the way down the pit and were surprised that there actually was one you made a ball of light in your hand

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The giant golden glow filled up everything and when everything finally went back to normal you flew all the way down the pit and were surprised that there actually was one you made a ball of light in your hand.

After looking around for awhile you heard something hit something else and when you went to look it was the pale faced man and you don't know if his kind could work like that or even get out but not wanting to take any chances you made a force field around him as you created a mini nova inside it and for extra measure you put a force field around the one you already made and sent attached it to a rocket that sent it to the nearest black hole.

When you finally got back to the surface you saw that all the remaining Legionaries arrived and were taking away any of the remaining bad guys that you didn't beat down.

Superman: "Nice suit. (Coughs) Looks good on you but what's with the hand?"

You then created a mirror and saw what you looked like.

You then created a mirror and saw what you looked like

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