Unknown Factors

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Inside the field of pain that Granny likes to call her discipline room floats Marcel as he tries his best to hold on as long as he could with the power of the Gold Lantern for as much time as the battery life inside the bracelet was willing to give.

As Granny looks on in pure glee knowing that even though he is resisting for now she knows that as some with Lantern abilities that he has his limits on just how long he could manage remain safe and unaffected while Fortis tries his best to make sure that the battery lasts as long as it could.

With the first one helping as much as he could for the first time ever since if they were to fall in this plane than that would be the end of everything he had created along with the fact that even he knew that those who followed Darkside was more than enough of a reason to make sure they don't get their hands on his power!

Marcel: "(Tries his best to give good old Granny a kind gesture) Hope you like what you see cause I can do this all day lady!"

Granny inside her red cube: "Well see about that deary."

Granny then floats away as Marcel lets out a sigh of relief that lets a brief moment of the surrounding area into him which thankfully he had enough will power to make sure it was only for that brief moment as he reapplied his shield as he continued reapplying it over and over again all while being awake for over 40 hours.

Thankfully he managed to get a few naps in before being forced back awake by either pain, oppression, Fortis, or himself as he continued floating in the void trying his best to get a lock on out of here.

Marcel: "Once I find out who ratted me out I'm going to send them here myself! (Waits for Fortis to say something before realizing that he couldn't.)"

Marcel mimicking Fortis?: "Your an idiot for even thinking that. I mean your just going to give them someone who knows enough about you to lure you into their trap for crying out loud!"

Marcel back to normal: "Well I got to do something! I mean what right do they have helping make sure that I'm the only one suffering inside this freaking void that she seems to have control over!"

Marcel continues to talk to himself for a little while before he stops talking all together as his throat was starting to get dry... well that and the fact that was getting way to comfortable  talking to himself for his his liking.

Looking around the pit Marcel sees two people getting dropped in along side him and as much as Marcel wanted to help he was barley holding on for dear life as it was along with everyone else that was inside the bracelet with him.

But then Marcel had spotted a Motherbox that the light skinned boy was holding onto with his utility belt thing and while Marcel could make his own little boomtubes whenever he wanted at this moment in time he needed to save every last bit of power he could!

So slowly but surely Marcel starts making his way towards the new guys as fast as he could without letting go of his energy barrier or else he'd turn out like them which wouldn't have helped anyone in anyway.

The amount of time it took was unknown as their was no real way to guess how long time had passed as everything was the same with Marcel only counting on Granny showing up as the passage of time by a day had occurred since it was better than nothing.

Just as Marcel had thought he got close to smell the two let alone touch them Granny had shown up once again this time however it appeared that she had two people with her inside her giant red cube with one wearing the color scheme of Aquaman.

Marcel: "Sup guys! Care to give a brother a hand?"

Granny: "If either of you touch the child then our deal is off."

The two looked at each other and with a sad look in their eyes took the two new guys with them leaving Marcel alone to fester inside the pit as Aquaman mouthed the words "Sorry" and "Be back for you."

Marcel: "Yea right! Its not like I have a time limit or anything guys! I know neither of you can hear me because you took a deal with that witch for your actual friends instead of someone innocent in need of actual help!"

This freaking sucks was all Marcel could think about when out of nowhere a man with long hair tied into a not wearing what looked to be what the main character of some nonstop action movie would wear (aka a dirty trench coat with anything else).

???: "(With a heavy Spanish accent) Here let me help you with that my friend."

Marcel: "Who the heck are you! And more importantly how can you move around like its nothing?"

???: "(still with a heavy Spanish accent) Don't worry about me my friend. Just know that I will do anything in my power to mess with cursed one and the dark one no matter what it may cost."

Marcel: "I have no idea what your talking about nor does that even explain how the heck you can just move around like its FREAKING NOTHING IN HERE!"

???: "(Heavy Spanish accent continues) My friend you may call me Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez! Or Hector for short if that's too long for you liking."

Marcel: "What I want to know is where the heck did Hector come from?"

Hector: "(With a heavy Spanish accent that shall never be stopped) My friend has anyone ever told you that you ask to many question? And that sometimes its better to leave things unanswered and just enjoy the mystory?"

Marcel rolls his eyes but thanks the many anyway as he just touches Marcel and the two men were transported onto the top of an apartment building at night time... so probably Gotham city with one of its many buildings being up for grabs.

What interested Marcel more than anything however was the fact that this Hector guy could just do that with no incantation, movements, tech, or any other way of teleporting from the many different ways that this world of his seems to have.

But also the fact that the man had an infinity tattoo on the back of his neck along with a diamond pattern on his left hand and whatever the heck Dr.Fate made on his right as the man stretched around for a bit.

Hector: "(With a heavy Spanish accent) My friend I am how you say famished. Let us go to the local watering hole and feast. yes?"

Marcel: "(Just smiles as he forgets and forgives the traitor... well at least enough to not kill them) Sure whatever you say man. And hey I mean to ask but what's with the accent?"

Hector: "(With a heavy Spanish accent)Its nice ja! I pick it up last @!#$'s moon cycle or as you say about a thousand years ago yes?"

Marcel: "Man... Are you even sure were speaking the same language?"

Hector: "(Puzzled face) Is this not earth English's for if not than my apologize my friend as it had been quite a long while since I have been to the mother land and even longer since I have actually had a chance to talk to another."

Marcel: "(Puts his arm around Hector) Whatever man. You want some Pizza?"

Hector: "(This time sounding strangely Italian while messing up saying Pizza every time) Yes my friend! I would love to eat this pizza! But what is this thing you call Pizza!"

Marcel: "I don't know bout you but Pizza is the best food ever and if were near the place I'm thinking about then your in for a real treat since the owners open all hours of the day and isn't afraid of anyone."

Hector: "Sounds... difficult my friend but I would greatly like to know what (again messes up saying it) Pizza taste alike."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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