The Message Pt-2

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Continuing on with their journey Marcel makes sure that the car was all fueled up and ready to go as Fortis? reads the journal that Marcel barley read so he could understand just what the heck was going on with the silent town with both men being honestly surprised by the fact that their was still gas in the pump.

Once Marcel finished he placed what he could read and understand from the sign for the amount of money the gas was worth before he along with Fortis? continued on cruising down the roads towards Gotham City so that Fortis? could meet up with whoever he was meeting while Marcel would probably meet up with old friends and try and hang out like old times.

Marcel: "Never thought I'd come back here just a few years after leaving."

Fortis?: "Well you never know what'll happen in the future and besides maybe you'll like it this time round since you can leave whenever you want."

Immediately after saying that a giant robot that looked to have Jokers face on it fell right next to their car as a bunch of goons proceeded to pour out of the thing and start blasting at both the local cops and Green Arrow along with the Flash as the pair took them all down, and you wanna know the worst thing about all of that?

It would have to be the fact that neither of them were even near Gotham city yet like if you were to look at the map then they would have just left the neighboring town to the creepy silent ghost town that they got their gas and book of evil from.

Marcel: "You were saying?"

Fortis?: "Hey man, we live in a world were a couple of people can get a pizza from Thailand, chill a drink on mount Everest, and catch any and all local games they want all before the sun sets. No matter where you go you're going to have to deal with something like this."

Marcel: "I don't at home!"

Fortis?: "That's because you live with mostly old people in the middle of nowhere with the most diabolic thing they can do is hack into something unless the town's power goes out. Not exactly a place were flashy crimes take place since its mostly a resting area."

Marcel just rolls his eyes as they continue driving to Gotham city with the pair switching and comparing songs after every track finishes until they get bored and then just put on the local radio and listen to whatever's playing as they both hoped a good song would eventually play that they both liked with little to no avail.

And once the pair finally made it to Gotham city and made their way back to Marcels old home the pair then went their separate ways with Fortis? forming himself a body as he gave Marcel a gem worth about $5000 dollars to do with as he pleased.

Seeing all of that Marcel was of course greatly angered, confused, and annoyed at the fact Fortis? could have left any time he so desired allowing Marcel to be alone and do whatever he pleased. Meaning that Fortis? only stayed with Marcel as close as he did and as often as he did just because he honestly enjoyed messing with his young disciple.

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