2- First days suck

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We're not gonna take it- Twisted sister

The school was just like every other fucking high school that I've seen in the movies; just a big red brick building

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The school was just like every other fucking high school that I've seen in the movies; just a big red brick building. The students looked as basic as those in the movies too, and a part of me was surprised that the cheerleaders and jocks walking around in those stupid jackets actually was a thing.

Well, check that of the list of 'is the cliché just in the movies, or is it true?'

I walked through the big double doors, and entered hell on earth. They said that the school system here was very different though, and I knew from dreaming about an exchange year last year, that this school was one of those who were a year behind Norway's curriculum, so technically, I could've graduated last year. It was not because we finished school earlier in Norway, it was just because they were fucking dumb here, and their senior year was as hard as our junior year.

I looked around and fortunately, nobody was giving me looks.

I silently thanked the gods, and scratched that off the list.

Then I damned them all to hell, because I had no fucking clue where I was supposed to go, which meant I had to ask someone.

That's just fucking great.

I looked around, and looked for the biggest looser in sight.

There was an innocent looking girl standing a few feet away from me. She looked like a sophomore and was the perfect person to ask; too shy to make a scene, but knew the school.

"Hi," I cleared my throat. "Do you know where the reception is?"

She turned around, a bit startled when I first spoke to her, but she soon smiled at me.

"Oh, it's just down the corridor and to the left there," she gestured with her hands as she spoke.

"Thank you," I smiled at her.

"Of course, no problem, you new here?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Good luck then, first days suck," she said, and then, without another word, she disappeared down the hallway.

Thanks for the encouragement.

I stood still for another second, before my legs started to lead me towards the direction the girl had told me the reception was in.

I opened the heavy doors, to see the small room being filled with people rushing everywhere. Nobody looked to have enough time for their busy schedule, and I felt like I was just in their way, but seriously, I had my reasons, I was new.

When I finally had elbowed my way to the receptionist, she was a cheerful lady, that smiled at me, although I could see she was stressed too.

"Hi sweetie, how can I help you?" She seemed nice, so I pushed my bad mood to the side to be polite to her.

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