47- The Other Band

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Ashes In Your Mouth - Megadeth

All the lights were on, blinding us as we walked through the huge mush of people

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All the lights were on, blinding us as we walked through the huge mush of people. People were literally covering the whole floor, I couldn't catch the colour of it if I tried.

The room was a lot different now than what it was empty. You could tell how big it was when it was empty, but the amount of people gathered in here still took us all by surprise.

The stage was the same, not too huge, not too small. A band was playing now, and they had only megadeath covers. Everything they played was megadeth. No offence, megadeth rock, and the band was quite good to be honest, but it wasn't really our style. Only covers, that's like playing soccer without knowing how to shoot. Of course, we played a lot of covers before, but we always had at least three of our songs on every gig, and never just songs from the same band. It was quite risky to play megadeth too, when most of the people here were going to the Metallica concert tomorrow... I wouldn't set my life on fire by doing that. We had taken a notice to not play any Megadeth songs while we were here, and they were going in the complete opposite direction, by only playing Megadeth songs...


(A/n: to people that don't know, Megadeth and Metallica are like nemesis. Basically, one of the original guitarists in Metallica was kicked out of the band, so he started his own band, Megadeth, and it only went downhill from there.)


"Three beers, whatever's the cheapest," Damon waved down the bartender, who gave us a suspicious look.


"We're playing," Damon explained, and for some odd reason, that was reason enough to forget the IDs, because the bartender disappeared quickly, finding our drinks.

"Dude, Adrian said drinks were on them," Blake looked at Damon as if he was stupid.

"Yeah, that's why i asked him to get us something...?" Damon wasn't getting it.

Blake face palmed himself. "And you ordered the cheapest. We could've ordered a bunch of expensive wine, and you order their cheapest beer."

Damon got it now, but was, as usual, way too stubborn to admit defeat. "Whatever, we shouldn't get too drunk before going on stage anyway."

He was right though. Our shit was backstage, safe from any drunk instrument abusers, shit were rigged enough, we only had to plug it in. Neil didn't want to use his own drum kit, mostly because he didn't bother to set it all up again here.

The clock was only 8, and we had shown up about half an hour before through the back entrance, just to get to know the stage and equipment a bit better. We didn't have any sound checks, so it was an important step to take some time to get to know the equipment and stage, but they were no different from where we'd played before. The equipment was easy, and the stage was just a bit bigger than what we had played on before. Only thing to notice was to move around more, take the space we had.

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