57- The Unforgiven III

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The Unforgiven III- Metallica

"What happened with you?" I ask shocked as I take in Damon's appearance

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"What happened with you?" I ask shocked as I take in Damon's appearance.

He has been beaten up, there's no hiding that fact. His face was covered in bruises and blood, and so swollen that it looked like it would pain him to blink.

The rest of his appearance wasn't much better. His clothes had holes in them, and there were dirt everywhere, mixed with blood.

"Nothing, let's go," he turned to walk out again.

"Damon, you can't show up to a gig looking like that," I shake my head at him.

He turned around and glared at me. "Says you!" He snapped.

I walked right out the door, and out of the apartment complex. I walked as fast as I could, in the hopes that he wouldn't catch up with me.

He could've- of course, my legs are the same length as chickens- but he kept a distance. I was always within his eyesight, but he didn't walk beside me.

When we reached Owens bar, it was packed already, like totally fucking packed with a freaking line outside of people wanting to get in. We had to pass them to get in, and they all turned their heads to look at us.

Some started yelling, or screaming, some called out names, others said things like 'you guys fucking rock!', and me and Damon shared a confused look.

When we got inside, we were immediately met by the guys, looking so excited, it wouldn't surprise me if one of them had peed himself.

"Did you see that line?!" Blake was first to address us. "They're all here for us!! The single blew up, our streams are sky rocketing, we're on multiple Spotify recommendation lists!! It is happening!!"

My jaw fell to the floor, and my eyes bulged out.


"Guys, have you seen this?" Axel came trudging into backstage, and he was grinning at us. For once, it wasn't that arrogant, cocky, I'm-better-than-everyone-smile, it was an actual smile. The kind that you just can't suppress, no matter how hard you try.

"It's fucking sick!" Neil exclaimed.

"If this is how things are going to be for you guys, we have to start planning a tour soon."

My heart stopped. It fucking stopped. I got tears in my eyes, and all the pains in my body suddenly numbed away.

Holy fucking shit!!!!

"Are you fucking with us right now?" Blake said, sort of threateningly. "Because I swear to god, Axel, if you're fucking with us, we're out."

"I'm not fucking with you, I'm serious, in a few months you'll be on the road!"

I've never been this fucking happy in my entire fucking life. We're going on a tour?? We're going on a fucking tour?!

I turned to the guys, and Blake was the first one to wrap me in his arms, and spin me around like Damon used to.

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