60- Hope

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When one week had passed, I had reached a climax in my anxiety. You could probably see the nerves radiating off of me. I had tried to bring up the fact that he was planning to leave me multiple times, and I had tried to convince him to let me go, to set me free.

He liked keeping me on my toes, and it was another couple of days before the dreadful day arrived. 

I had gotten more than a one week notice, but it still didn't prepare me for the feelings that would rush through me.

So when the day finally came, I didn't know what to expect.

"I'm leaving now." He had some sort of emotion in his voice, some sort of vulnerability. He sounded sad, and sorry. "I'm sorry, I love you, Nora."

I didn't have the energy nor the emotional capability to care, but I wasn't ready to die either. Somehow, I felt like there was more for me in this world.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to beg him, beg him, to let me go.

To let me live the life I was meant to live.

But I didn't.

I could've saved my life, or at least saved me from the suffer he had planned for me.

But I didn't.

He was leaving me.

He was leaving me to die in a room with nothing. No food, nothing.

He was leaving me to die in the worst way possibly.

He was leaving me to starve, to die a slow and painful death, alone. Locked inside.

"I love you, Nora. But this is it."

"Damon," I finally managed to defend myself. "Don't do this."

He had tears in his eyes, I knew I could break him.

"Damon, I love you."

He started crying, and held me.

I didn't love him anymore.

Or, at least that was what I told myself. It was over, I was done with him, and I wanted nothing more than to move on.

But my heart still twitched with love for him, and my stomach still filled with butterflies.

I'll get over him, but I first just have to get away from him.

"Damon, please, let me go. I promise, I'll never tell anyone. I'll be gone from your life, and it'll feel like I never even was in it. Just please, let me go."

He was holding me so tightly to his chest, it hurt. He was crying. Hard.

I knew he was breaking, I knew he would let me go if I kept working.

I don't want him to let me go.

"I can't just let you walk around for everyone to see, especially not the guys."

"Then hide me, put me on a bus and then you can leave me. You'll go to Philadelphia, I'll leave the state, maybe even the country, I don't know, but I won't be a problem, please Damon, I love you, please."

He released his grip on me enough to look me in my eyes.

He pressed his lips against mine, and it was like the first time. It felt like I was falling for him all over again.

I didn't want to feel what I did, but I couldn't help myself. I pulled him closer to me, and I could feel the pain in our kiss.

We both knew this was the last time we were ever going to see each other, and somehow, that hurt us both more than we wanted to admit.

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