13- Cheesy

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Civil war- guns 'n' roses

The silence was suffocating, and dr

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The silence was suffocating, and dr. Knights gaze was starting to seriously freak me out.

"Is this making you uncomfortable?" She asked, still staring right into my soul.

"A little bit, yeah."

She broke the eye contact to write something down.

"And what about loud sounds, does that make you uncomfortable? Like thunder and stuff like that?"

I shook my head with a frown. She wrote down that too.

"And what about heat?"

"What about heat?" I asked.

"Does it make you uncomfortable, or do you flinch when you get close to something hot?"

"It's called human reflexes, they're there to help you not harm yourself," was my only answer to her question.

"Put the sarcasm away for one moment, will you?"

"What do you think, I was in a fire accident, okay? Of course heat triggers me, can't you see the fucking scars on my arms?!" I yelled at her, showing her the burn scars that was only visible if you knew they were there. They healed well, but I could still see them. Every fucking day.

Her gaze glanced down at my arms, before looking back up at me.

"Do you have any idea how lucky you are?" I asked, pulling my arms back and crossing them in front of my chest.

"You shouldn't say that to people when you don't know their backstory."

"I know, though I doubt yours is worse than mine."

"True, it's not, but it could've been. You didn't know that."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine I won't say that to people when I don't know their backstory, happy?"

"Looks like we finally got something out of one of our sessions," she said, smiling triumphantly.

Yeah, right.

The air held a chilly breeze when I left the building, and I was starting to regret that I only wore a t-shirt and jacket. While September was a lot hotter than it was in Norway, October was just around the corner, and the temperature was starting to drop drastically. Leaves started to loose their green colors, and orange, yellow and red started to pop out everywhere.

There was an obvious difference between America and Norway when it came to decorations in the stores and shit, because every single store around here was full of fall- and halloween-decorations. Halloween was a thing in Norway, sure, but not a big thing like in the us. Most people wouldn't decorate their houses, maybe a fake pumpkin by the door, but no more than that. Here they were really going all in, and that was so cool to witness.

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