21- Hot-Driver-Guy

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18 and Life- Skid Row

"This is the last session you have to go to, but I really hope to see you again next week," Dr

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"This is the last session you have to go to, but I really hope to see you again next week," Dr. Knight looked at me over the brim of her glasses, giving me a look.

"You probably won't," I said honestly, shrugging. I never wanted to go here to begin with, and I was over the moon that I never had to step foot in this building ever again.

"Nora," she sighed, taking off her glasses and laying them on the table as she massaged the small space between her eyes with boney fingers. "You have been here for not much more than what, four months? And we haven't gotten anywhere. You have barley opened your mouth through the times we've spent together. In the condition you currently are in, I would highly recommend you to keep going here."

"Too bad you no longer have any power over me. Trust me when say these words, I'm never going back here."

"Then there's nothing more for me to do than wish you good luck in life, Nora. I really hope things work out for you. But you have to become more independent."

I frowned at her. "What the hell do you mean with that? I'm very much independent, I had to move to a new country all by myself, I pretty much have to fix everything in Dimitris apartment by myself, I'm more independent than most people my age."

"But your situation calls for more than just above average independency. From Saturday off you're no longer under anyones guardian. You're on your own, where are you going to live?"

"My boyfriend said I could move in with him."

"And you've been with this guy for how long?"

"A month."

"Exactly. And what happens if you break up? If you get in a fight, and he kicks you out? You have no way to live on your own, because you're not independent enough."

"To hell i am, I could've easily lived alone!"

"Then why are you moving in with him?"

"Because I don't have access to the money I inherited from my parents, everything is in a fond till I turn 20!"

"Exactly! The money are keeping you from being independent enough. Nora, get a job, get a savings account, and save up money till you have enough to live by yourself, just in case something happens. Always be prepared for that. You don't need to tell your boyfriend about it, just be sure that you have some sort of backup if something happens, because now, with the way you're standing now, you're too fragile to be able to get through a breakup when you don't even have a roof over your head."

I scowled at her. I knew she was right. She had a good point. I just didn't like being called out on the fact that I was completely helpless if Damon ever decided to leave me.

"It was really nice to get to know you, Nora. You really do have an unique soul, take good care of it. Your parents would've been proud."

The wind was bitterly cold as I walked down the empty roads to get to Dimitris apartment.

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