27- Hot And Cold

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Perfect strangers- Deep Purple

My body had betrayed me, and I had fallen asleep while I was packing

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My body had betrayed me, and I had fallen asleep while I was packing. I woke in the most uncomfortable position ever, laying with half of my body over the bag I had packed, and the other half on the bed.

My eyes fluttered open, and I checked the time to check how long I had till the others would wake.

The clock was 9am, so there was no rush- the others would be sleeping till noon after the night they had.

I searched the room for my phone, and dialed Rose's number when I found it on top of the dresser.

She answered tiredly after a few rings with a groggily "hello?"

"Rose, hi. Listen, I hate to wake you like this, I was just wondering when you got back home?" I asked, trying to sound normal as I continued packing my bags.

"I was planning to leave around noon, so around five-six maybe... why?" She still sounded exhausted, and I felt terrible for disturbing her.

"Nothing, it's just... me and Damon had a fight, and I don't want to be here right now... I don't know where to go," I said nervously.

"Oh Nora, what happened? I'll leave right now if you want me to, I just have to pack, and say goodbye to everyone, and get-"

I cut her off. "No, Rose, please don't do that. I just remembered someone else I could call, please don't stress it," I lied, and hung up before she had the time to answer.

I didn't know what to do now. I didn't know where to go or who to talk to. He was the only one I had, I was hopeless without him.

I needed him to feed me, I needed him to pay for the roof over my head and I needed him to love me. I had nothing if I didn't have him.

I turned to the sound of a door opening. In the doorway stood the guy I relied on the most, stood the guy that had broke my heart even more. I had given this guy the key to my heart, and he had opened it and emptied out everything that was left there. Then he left it open and empty.

I needed him to fill it.

He looked at me in confusion. "What're you doing?" He sounded tired, but sober at least.

"I'm leaving," I answered, trying to keep my voice steady.

I could see the panic rise within him. "What?! No, why?" His eyes started to form tears immediately.

"Don't you remember?" My voice was filled with disgust.

"Remember what?"

"The only thing you regretted after meeting me? That one girl? The one at the party the day you locked me inside this room to go fuck someone else!" I was screaming now, not giving a shit that I was probably waking up the others.

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