39- Dazed And Confused

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The Unforgiven - Metallica

The Unforgiven - Metallica

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I froze. I couldn't manage to move a single muscle when his voice rang through the apartment. The voice still sent shivers of delight down my spine, and my body still ached for his touch, but now I wished it didn't.

I heard the wood creak under his feet when he moved closer to me. My heartbeat increased with every step, and by the time he appeared in the doorway I could feel my heart beating in my whole body.

He looked... like he always did, just sadder. He looked broken, but he was still beautiful. So fucking beautiful. He was still the guy I fell in love with, still the guy he'd always been. He was still the one I loved.

His eyes held everything, every feeling of pain and love. Every fear of loss and hope for something more. And then his eyes found the suitcase, and they saddened. Realization washed over him, and every piece of hope dissolved into abandonment. He knew what I was doing, he knew why, and he didn't dare to hope that I would ever change my mind.

I knew that if he really loved me, he would let me go. He knew he was a danger to me, he knew that he was going to hurt me again. If he really loved me, he would tell me to leave.

And it broke my heart, cause I didn't want to. I really didn't want to.

I knew in that moment that I was staying. I couldn't leave. I couldn't loose another loved one, it would've killed me to never see him again. And it would've killed him too. I knew he needed me now, this was stupid, this was selfish.

He needed me now. He was just frustrated and sad, I knew everything about that. I wasn't going to let him go just because of that. Our love was stronger than a few punches, our love was worth more than that.

"No," he sobbed out. His eyes were already leaking tears, and he lifted a hand to cover his mouth. His dark locks fell into his eyes over his forehead, but he didn't move it. His eyes were zeroed onto me. "Nora..."

He rushed towards me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. And then we cried. For our love, for our future and for every blow shoving us gradually further away from each other.

"I'm so sorry! I want to take it all back, I wish we could just take it all back. I love you with every piece of my heart, I don't want to hurt you, Nora. I really don't want to hurt you again! I wish I could guarantee you that it wouldn't happen again. That if you stay, I would've never hurt you again. But I can't control it. I'm sorry, I just really need you. I just fucking need you. But if you leave-" his voice broke "-I'll let you go. Or try to at least. I love you so much, I can't promise anything. I can only hope that you stay. Please stay, Nora."

The words lingered in the air. Please stay Nora. The love and desperation was on full display in his voice. He still had a piece of hope.

I couldn't break his heart. It would've broken mine even more, and I didn't think neither of us could survive that. Not now. We were fragile, the both of us, we needed someone there, and we couldn't take another loss.

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