28- Family Drama

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The Trooper- Iron Maiden

The Trooper- Iron Maiden

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It had been a month. Century Media had contacted us and given us an invite to the audition, but it was five weeks till when we received it.

Now it was one week away. It was being held in a small arena here in Boston, and there were many other bands preforming as well.

They had five record deals to offer.

There were thirty bands that was going to audition.

I was right earlier, we weren't anything special for them, they had contacted a lot of bands.

We were playing more often at the bar, and we were playing more of our original songs, just like Owen said. We had also written a lot of new stuff. It was amazing, and by now most of the regulars knew our songs. We had multiple times been asked when we were planning on getting more music on Spotify, and people were starting to notice us.

It was amazing, and I knew this was what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to make music.

Looking more into the label, we found that they usually signed with heavier bands than us. Like, our music was heavy, but not that heavy. We're more like a soft Metallica/Megadeath sound. The Angels Crows sound was much heavier than what I usually played, and we had to change a lot of my originals, cause they weren't "heavy enough".

But our music was soft rock compared to their usual bands. They're bordering to more of a Cannibal Corpse/Slipknot sound. All of their bands played 7-strings guitars and had band logos where you had to guess the name cause they were impossible to read.

It didn't match, it didn't make sense. We have been discussing this a lot, cause why would they want us? We were nothing like what they usually sign with.

Realizing that, we started making heavier music. Not a lot heavier, but heavier nonetheless. We had already started to adapt to how they would have wanted us to be, but we were still not even sure if they'll want us or not.

"You guys are amazing, they have to want you," Alice said once we discussed it. Yeah, she might think we're amazing, we might be amazing, but perhaps not amazing enough. Perhaps not as amazing compared others.

I didn't want to ruin everything with my pessimistic look at this whole thing, so I kept quiet.

We were currently disguising the lyrics to our newest song, 'from the deepest depths of hell'. It was heavy, and so not us, but it was a great song I had to admit.

"Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!" Alec and Damon were in a heated discussion about the lyrics, as always, and found the easiest way to solve it each time.

At shoot, Damons hand stayed in a fist, while Alecs stretched out all of its fingers.

Realizing that his rock lost to Alecs paper, Damon cursed loudly. Alec just smiled in return.

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