33- Skunk

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Devils Island- Megadeth

I was walking through the hallways, alone for once, and my head was in the clouds

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I was walking through the hallways, alone for once, and my head was in the clouds. I wasn't paying attention to anything, and a constant flow of anger ran through my veins.

I wished I could disappear into all the bullshit happening around at school, I wished I could disappear into the history teachers words, but my head just didn't follow the rest of me.

I walked past Amanda when I heard her evil laughter chase after me.

"Did you even bother trying to brush your hair? I mean, we all know you're homeless, doesn't mean you have to look the part."

I paid her no mind, rounding the next corner on my way to my locker.

"Hey! Skunk, I'm talking to you!"

She followed me with furious steps as I stopped by my locker.

"Gosh, you really do stink," she pinched her nose when she came to a stop beside me.

I still didn't even look at her to acknowledge her presence.

"Don't your parents own a shower? Oh, right, you don't live with them. They probably threw you out, I would've, at least, if you were my child."

Don't turn around Nora, she's only trying to get a reaction out of you.

"Then again, my child would never be as disgusting and rude as you. Didn't your parents raise you at all? Wonder what kind of people they are, to be able to have a daughter like you. They probably hate you, just like the rest of us. They were probably happy when you left their house. I mean, who wouldn't be ashamed to have a daughter like you? Unless, of course, they're all skunks like you, and that's where you get it from."

I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I had too much built up inside of me.

A year of pain and frustration came out through my fist in one, fast jab right at her nose.

Amanda screamed out in pain as my fist disconnected her pretty little nose, earning the looks from other students around in the hallway.

And unfortunately for me, a teacher who stood not too far from the two of us.

"You bitch!" Amanda cried out, and in that exact second, she lunged for me.

She used all the cheap, girl tricks in the fight, clawing at my face, yanking my hair, screaming directly in my ear as I tried to push her off of me.

Someone finally did it for me, grabbing Amanda before she could rip open my soon healed cut with her bare hands.

She was screaming at whoever it was behind her, as I dried away whatever blood had escaped from under her claws.

"That's enough! The both of you, right to the principals office!"

No surprise there.

While Amanda made sure to make a big show of how much her nose was hurting and bleeding, I walked with confidence all the way to the principals office.

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