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The Unforgiven II - Metallica

"Oh wow, don't you look like shit?" Neil commented as the guys appeared by my locker the next day

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"Oh wow, don't you look like shit?" Neil commented as the guys appeared by my locker the next day.

I guess you could say that I didnt sleep much yesterday either. After my conversation with Damon, I couldn't seem to think about anything else. His face was on constant show whenever I closed my eyes, and his words played on repeat in my ears.

Forget my fucking name. Forget I ever goddamn existed.

He hurt me, he knew he fucking did, but I knew I hurt him too. I didn't know what was going to happen today, but I did know that I was looking forward to see him. I didn't like this situation, and even though I still wanted to stay away from him, I wanted to get over this situation. I didn't want to forget his name, and I didn't want to forget that he ever existed. I wanted to see him today to be sure he was okay.

I didn't mean to hurt him, I didn't mean to say all the things I did, he just seemed to bring out the worst in me. I couldn't control myself around him, which was exactly why I wanted to keep my distance from him in the fist place.

"Seriously, I thought we were over this shit yesterday," Blake said, appearing right in front of me.

"I know, I know, I'll get better, I promise, I'm just a bit out of it today," I shrugged my shoulders at them.

Luckily for me, the bell rang the next second, saving me from having to come up with another excuse.

First class went by smoothly, and secondly was calculus, which we all had together... including Damon. He hadn't showed yet, which I didn't think too much about. I mean, he was allowed to meet us in class, it was really no big deal...

But, when we had settled down in the back of the classroom, and the teacher started the lesson, I began to wonder.

Is something wrong? Why isn't he here? Is he really that mad at me for yesterday?

I calmed myself by saying that he just was a little late, and would probably waltz through the classroom door in proper Damon-style any second.

But as time went by, and he didn't show, my hopes sunk by every move of the clock. By the time there were ten minutes left of class, I had lost all hopes of Damon showing. He wasn't coming, it was that easy, but something about it left a sickening feeling in my stomach.

When we emerged from the classroom to get to our next classes, I decided to confront the guys.

"Where's Damon?" I asked, trying to make it sound innocent, but who could I fool, they witnessed some of our fight yesterday.

"Why, someone missing our lovely Damon here?" Neil started, and of course the others had to join with comments like:

"Someones getting a bit attached."

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