45- Hawthorne Hotel

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Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard

Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard

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A/n: 🚨READ: 🚨Sooo i have bad news. And I mean really, really bad news. I've lost this chapter... and it's been half a year since I last opened it, which means that I don't remember anything that was in this chapter... so I'm sort of just writing by guessing, and if there's something later on that doesn't make sense or feels like I haven't mentioned, please leave a comment, because it was most likely supposed to be in this chapter... anyway, here's my best shot at re-writing this chapter, hope you like it!

"Hey, Cutie, wake up," I woke to a person shaking my shoulders awake. "Nora, c'mon, wake up."

I reluctantly opened my heavy eyelids, and blinked the sleep out of my eyes.

My eyes moved around our surroundings, and I noticed that we were in the back of Blakes car. At one of our stops, we had switched seats with Neil and Alec, who were now fast asleep in the seats in front of us.

"Where are we?" I asked, stretching while I rubbed my eyes.

"I don't know, I think there's about an hour left till we get there," I turned my gaze from the window to glare at Damon.

"An hour? Really? Then why the fuck would you wake me?"

He smiled at me. So damn innocent.

"Because I was bored," he said, shrugging. "I wanted to talk to someone more interesting than Blake here, and everyone else is asleep. Then I realized that I have the perfect source of entertainment right here, sleeping on my shoulder with drool coming out of her mouth."

I quickly swiped my hand across my chin, wiping away any possible drool. Damon laughed at my actions, looking at me like I was the most adorable thing.

"I was joking, but it was totally worth it to see your reaction."

I slapped his chest, and he only laughed harder, grabbing my hands before I could retrieve them to keep me imprisoned.

"Shh," I hissed at him. "They're sleeping."

"Oh, they are all so heavy sleepers, we could do so much, and none of them would notice," he said suggestively, his eyes trained on my lips while he moved closer.

I let my eyes fall closed, and captured his lips with mine.

My hands were still held in a tight grip to his chest, and I wanted more than anything to be able to move them. To be able to run them through his hair and pull him closer to me.

One of his hands left mine while the other grabbed both, to trail down my side, slowly making his way down to my ass and thighs.

When I moaned into his mouth with want, someone interrupted us.

"Sorry to disturb, guys- really, I am- but would you mind not having sex in my car while I'm present?" Blake suddenly called from the drivers seat.

We pulled away instantly when we heard his voice, and my cheeks flushed with color. I hid my face in the crook of Damons neck, while he chuckled.

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