58- Ultimatum

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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John

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Blake's POV:

We were currently sitting in the bar, waiting for Damon and Nora. They were usually always late, but only with five minutes.

It was 1:30 already.

I was concerned, and I had been ever since yesterday.

I knew something was up when I drove her to the hospital, but I had no idea that it was something like this. I thought that maybe they argued, things got a little out of hand, but all in all, it was an accident.

I tried to encourage Nora to go back to him, to not leave him like I knew she wanted, because I thought they needed it. I thought they both needed it, and each other.

Maybe they did. To hell if I knew. But what I did know, was that there was something really off with their relationship.

Because I saw Damon hit her.

He hit her right there, in front of everyone. It shocked me to my core, and I felt like my whole life had been a lie.

I had known Damon since my freshman year, four years now. And I'd never, never, even imagined in my wildest fantasies that Damon would end up hitting his girlfriend.

Damon had always been violent, everyone that knew him knew that. He got into fights often, but I had never seen him hit a girl.

Until Nora.

I couldn't imagine how anyone would want to hurt anyone like that, especially Nora. She was a great person, and I instantly liked her from the moment i met her.

It hurts to say it, but if Nora had told me what she told me yesterday, and Damon hadn't hit her right after, I never would've believed her. I've known Damon for four years now, and even though I never would've thought Nora could lie about something like that, I would've backed Damon.

Damon was my best man, and he'd been for years. A girl should never come between us, and I would give him my life, because I knew he would protect it with everything he had.

Nora gave him her life, and I was terrified of what he had done to it.

"Where the hell are they, it's half an hour past," Axel cursed as he impatiently paced around the bar.

"I don't know, maybe they forgot?" Alec asked.

"I don't know, things didn't seem so great between them when they left yesterday," I said, pictures of Damon's fist connecting with Nora face flashing behind my eyes.

"What happened last night anyway?" Neil looked at me. "It just suddenly got quiet, and then Nora just fucking left."

I was quiet for a moment, contemplating if I should tell them the truth or not, but before I could decide, Damon rushed through the back door.

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