20- The Truth

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Behind Blue Eyes- Limp Bizkit

The door creaked when I opened it

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The door creaked when I opened it. I squeezed my eyes shut, hushing the door, as if that was going to help. The floor seemed to scream under my feet, and I walked on my toes to try and muffle the sound.

"Where've you been this past week, I've barley seen you?" Dimitris voice rang through the apartment, and I silently cursed the loud floors for giving away my presence.

"I, uh, I've been staying at Damons... I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, not at all. I actually quite liked the quietness when you were gone. Though, I could do with a heads up the next time you decide to just suddenly not show up to make dinner or do any of your chores. I don't like to starve, nor do I like to be made a fool of, do you hear me?" He had walked closer to me, but I couldn't feel the intimidation he usually held around me. He wasn't threatening me. Or, well, maybe he was, but he wasn't about to punish me for what I'd done. I could feel it in the air, he wasn't in the mood to waste energy on beating me.

And then a fist connected with my cheek.

Okay, I might've underestimated him just a little bit...

I ended up on the floor, mostly because the blow was very much unexpected.

"Go to your room," he sounded so tired, honestly, how did he have enough energy to preform a punch like that?

He disappeared into his bedroom, and it took me a few moments to collect myself before I managed to go to my own bedroom. I purposely looked away from the mirror when I passed it, not wanting to see what my face looked like.

I was exhausted. It had been a long day, first school, then I had work again, and now this... I didn't have the energy to worry about the bruise that would meet me in the mirror tomorrow, but I knew that it wasn't going to go unnoticed, and Damon would probably want me to stay with him for a while in the future, but I wouldn't mind.

I stumbled my way to the bed, barley having enough energy to brush my teeth and change my clothes before I fell asleep.


A ten-year old me was looking up at my beautiful mother. I didn't have her eyes, I had my fathers, and I always thought hers was so much prettier. I couldn't quite decide if they were green or blue, but I guess nobody could. That was sort of the magic with them.

"Take care of your sister now Nora," she looked at me sternly, with the face she got when she tried to hide her concern, but even ten-year-old me could see through her act. "She's your responsibility."

I felt a tug at my pants leg, and looked down to see my beautiful little sister look up at me. She had my mothers eyes. She was so different from me. She was blonde with freckles and a pale skin and she was beautiful. She was only three years old, but with the genes she had, she would be taking out every single person in the male section and turn the ones in the female section by the time she reached 18.

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