10- See That Window? I Want You To Jump Out Of It

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London Calling- The Clash

London Calling- The Clash

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The next day was hell. I didn't want anything more than to stay in bed. I wanted to disappear into the sheets, cower away from the real word and disappear into a dream.

Unfortunately for me, the only dream I knew about was nightmares. I never got a break, even when I was sleeping, my past still hunted me.

But, in a way, I was used to that. I was used to the feeling of wanting to stay in bed, and the feeling of the past hunting me every time I closed my eyes. What I wasn't used to was being hunted by the present. What I wasn't used to was the nightmares not ending when I opened my eyes. I wasn't used to the feeling of knowing I had to go to school for one reason, and one reason only; I couldn't stay here with Dimitri for a whole day, that would've never ended well.

That was the inspiring speech that got me out of the bed the next day. My head pounded, and something felt strange with the right side of my face. It felt warmer, throbbing, swelled. I got up from the bed, and looked myself in the mirror.

A red mark was on my left cheek, almost forming a perfect handprint. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to understand how I got it, and there was no way it could go unnoticed.

Without much more on my mind, I found a hoodie, a pair of jeans, pulled them on, put my hair up in an elastic, grabbed my guitar, and I was out the door at the speed of lightning.

I didn't hear Dimitri nor Allison when I left, but that didn't mean they weren't still there. Allison was probably I the bathroom, getting reddy for work, while Dimitri was still probably sleeping. The lazy fucker didn't even work, he just slept and drank all day.

As soon as I left the building, I pulled on the hood, covering my face so that nobody could see me. I walked with my head down till I found the closest park. I walked towards a group of trees, and I sat down, resting my back against the tree trunk. I sat there for a few moments with my guitar on my lap without playing or doing anything. I just starred out into space.

After a while, I started playing a little, improvising a little, and writing a couple of new songs. I liked to escape into music, especially when you could play yourself. I loved to be able to make the music sound exactly like you feel. To be able to play in the tempo and to play with the emotions you feel... there wasn't anything that satisfied me more that that, and I often felt bad for people who didn't play, who would never be able to know how it felt to release your emotions like that.

I sat there alone in the park for hours, many, many hours. By the time school was done, I didn't feel like going home yet, so I stayed out for hours after that too. The sun had almost completely disappeared by the time I started heading back, and that's saying something, considering it was summertime.

The weather was surprisingly nice, and I didn't really need the hoodie for anything more than to hide my face.

By the time I was back at the apartment, I had spent the whole day sitting in one place playing. I hadn't even eaten all day, but it was fine, I didn't feel like eating anyway.

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