6- My Brother??

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Eruption- Van Halen

The pizza tasted delicious, of course, it was pizza, and by the time we were done eating, I felt like I knew them all so much better

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The pizza tasted delicious, of course, it was pizza, and by the time we were done eating, I felt like I knew them all so much better.

Blake was the smart and rational one, he was the one keeping the rest of them under control. He was nice- really nice-, the gentleman type. He would be the perfect 'bring-home-to-meet-your-parents'-type.

Neil was the outgoing type, the one with far too much energy. He had no problem making friends, but he was by far the dumb one, you only had to look at the four of them to realize that. He was cool though, I was sure we were going to become great friends.

Alec was the quiet one, the shy kind. He didn't talk unless he was expected to, though I thought he was much more talkative when you got to know him, so I was hoping he'd feel more comfortable around me eventually.

And Damon... he was the leader of the group. No doubt. When you saw them walking down the hallway, or down the streets, he was the one in front. He was the alpha, and the others followed him no matter what. He was dark, mysterious, and there's just something too sexy about that. And when that was said, he was undeniably hot, especially when you had gotten a taste of him.

I was attracted to him, I knew that, but I had only known him for two days, and I wasn't ready to jump straight into something, not yet at least. I had too much going on, and I wasn't at all emotionally ready to take things to the next level with a guy.

There was no point even thinking about it, because I'd just known him for two fucking days!

This shit was so complicated, and way too much for my already fucked up brain. I needed to stop this thing before it even started, to protect myself. I needed some space, some time to think, to get away from everything, that was the whole point of moving to America in the first place.

So, by the time I had to leave, I had decided these two things; 1) these guys were fucking cool, I had to continue hanging out with them, and 2) I had to stay away from Damon to keep these fucking feelings at bey. I was not ready to get into it with him, and meaningless sex was not an option.

So there's that.

Just as I was about to get up to leave, Blake said something that caught my attention.

"You guys wanna jam?" he looked at the others expectantly.

"Of course, I've been practicing for hours at home to be able to do that second fill, and I think I almost got it," Neil raised from his seat, and I felt a jolt of excitement run through my veins.

Do they all play?

"Nora could join, she actually plays the guitar," Damon smirked at me.

"Really?" Blake seemed surprised. "Are you any good?"

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