56- Tell Me How Much It Hurts

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Return To Serenity - Testament

Return To Serenity - Testament

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I was so close.

I could see the bus stop where people were waiting for the next bus.

I could smell freedom in the air, and New York was only a few hours away.

And that's when he found me.


I felt my heart flutter and a fresh feeling of freedom hit me when I spotted the bus stop. I quickened my steps as i got closer, feeling as if all I needed to do was reach it, and I'd be free.

I knew it wasn't true, and that Damon could very well come across me and haul my ass all the way back to his apartment, even when I stood there, but there was just something that told me that if I could reach the bus stop, I'd be free.

I was crossing the last road to get there, and it felt like I was free already. I let a smile take over my face, and butterflies take over my stomach.

But of course, like everything else in my life, my smile turned into a frown, and the butterflies suddenly died in my stomach, and threatened to come up through my throat when a hand grasped mine, halting me to a stop.

I turned around almost too scared to look, when I met Damon's eyes.

I think I shrunk to the side of a pea under his gaze. He looked furious. Like, I've seen him mad before, oh, I've seen him so fucking mad before, but when I tell you that didn't even come close to how he looked.

I could almost see smoke coming out of his ears, his face was as red as a tomato, and I knew the hold he had on my hand was nothing, nothing, compared to what was waiting for me when we got home.

I guess I had it coming, in some ways. I tried to run, and I guess that was the biggest mistake I could ever make on my behalf.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He gritted out as his hand continued to torture my arm.

"I-I..." I couldn't even form a whole sentence, and I was so scared, I felt tears press behind my eyes.

"You're not going anywhere, you hear me?" He dragged my hand just a bit too hard, and I stumbled after him as he dragged me towards his apartment.

I spent the whole time trying to get contact with some of the random people on the streets, trying to tell them that I needed help, without having to speak.

But of course, it didn't take long before Damon noticed, and he pulled me close to him, wrapped an arm around my stomach, and held an iron grip onto me.

It hurt, and my eyes once again welled up with tears.

"When we come home, you'll be punished in a way you never could imagine. I'll make you suffer like you never thought you would. I'll make you beg for me to end it, to end you, but Cutie, I love you too much to ever do something like that to you."

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