44- Photoshoot

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Livin' on a prayer - Bon Jovi

"Photoshoot?" Damon looked all but impressed, and he wasn't the only one

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"Photoshoot?" Damon looked all but impressed, and he wasn't the only one.

Axel chuckled. "I wouldn't call it a-"

"A photoshoot?!" Neil's high pitched voice interrupted him by repeating Damons words.

"Yes, but if you'd let me talk, you'd understand that it's not a fucking photoshoot," there was no hiding the fact that he was irritated now.

"Then what the hell is this?!" Damon said, gesturing to what really did look like a photoshoot. There was a white cloth on one of the walls and floors, a similar beside it in black, a fancy camera and a fancy photographer, and there were lines of clothes hanging from hangers. They were all our type of clothes, dark and leather, everything from what kiss and motley crue wears to what Metallica and guns n roses wears.

"We're just taking some pictures to use on flyers for your concert in New York-"

"So it is a photoshoot?" I asked.

Axel got silent as he thought for a moment. "Well, I guess it kind of is..."

I heard all four boys groan and one of them slapped their own forehead. I just chuckled.

"But it's the fun kind," he quickly added. "These pictures will represent you in all New York in just a few weeks. It's important that you express yourself in these pictures, cause they'll be all around in New York City. First impression is everything in show business, remember that kids," he said like he was an old and life wise man.

We just rolled our eyes at his statement.

"What're you waiting for, go change fuckers!" Sam yelled at us in a slight sarcastic and slight demanding voice.

"We've got clothes for the guys here," a random lady came up to us and pointed towards four racks of clothes. "And for the lady," she gestured to one rack on the other side of the room.

"Ugh, do we have to fucking dress up?" Damon whined.

"Dude, fuck yeah, we can look like kiss!" Alec squealed in excitement.

"Not the point dudes, not the point. You are going to make something original. Make it special, so that when you're out there, people will remember you. Like I said, first impression is everything. If you go up there and look like every other fucking band, nobody's going to remember you. You have to create your own brand. Like kiss did. Or slash, everybody recognise that big curly hair, hat and sunglasses. Make your own thing like that. Something people will remember you by and that can be the talk of the town. If people talk about you, people know about you."

We all fell into a silence as we thought. How are we going to find our thing? What's even our thing?

"Then we need some time to think, some good brainstorming," I said, before moving to a seating group in one of the corners.

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