26- Happy-Fucking-New Year

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Where Did You Sleep Last Night - Nirvana

We ate Chinese food, and the cake Alice had made

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We ate Chinese food, and the cake Alice had made. It looked delicious, but I wasn't in the mood for cake. I felt nauseous, but there was no way to tell if it was because I was sick or because of the panic attack I just had a few hours ago.

The clock was closing up to 12, and the others were nowhere near sober. I hadn't been drinking. I just didn't feel like it, you know, because I'm sick.

Anyway, as Neil was walking around bumping his head on everything, Alec was sitting laughing his ass off at Neil, Alice and Blake were making out like crazy and Damon was saying the dumbest shit as he looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing in life, I was completely sober.

And I was enjoying every moment of this. Listening to Damon going on about how much he loved me, made my heart burst. He looked adorable as he was laying on my stomach, talking about how I was the most perfect person he'd ever seen.

"There's so much more that I love about you, there's nothing I would change," he slurred. "Oh Nora, promise to never leave me. I love you cutie, I can't live without you."

"I won't leave you Damon," i kissed his forehead.

"Good, because I wouldn't have let you. You're mine."

I wasn't really into the whole owning each other thing, but there was no point in telling a drunk Damon that.

"I love you soooo much. Like, more than that chick in Titanic loved Jack, because we all know there was enough fucking space on that door. I love you more than that. And like, it's so... far to the moon, but I love you more than that." I was struggling to hold in my laughter at him as he ranted on about the most random things.

"But I regret one thing... Just that one" -he hiccuped- "one time, but other than that, I don't regret anything after meeting you, Nora."

I frowned at him, but didn't say anything.

He started laughing a little, before a sad expression took over his features. "Oh no," he said quietly. He looked up at me with guilty eyes. "I have a secret," he whispered.

"You can tell me anything," I said, moving some sticky strands of hair that was covering his forehead.

"But you might get mad."

"I promise I won't get mad." I said with a serious expression.

"Oh, noooo," he rolled over and groaned, now squeezing my body with his as he buried his head into my stomach.

"What's wrong Damon?" I lifted his head, to see him starring at me.

Then a smile broke onto his lips, and he started to laugh.

"Y-you're so confused! You don't even know anything!" He laughed out, and I felt my walls building up, preparing for what was coming next. Little did I know nothing could prepare me for his next words. "You don't even know I slept with her!"

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