25- The Christmas Flue

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You've got another thing coming- Judas Priest

Christmas came around, and then it disappeared again just as quickly

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Christmas came around, and then it disappeared again just as quickly. The day was uneventful, we just opened presents. I got Damon a new par of shoes- vans- and he seemed to really love them. He needed them at least, his old ones were completely worn out with holes and a loose sole.

Rose got me two pairs of black jeans, one ripped and one not, cause god knows I'll never go to the mall to buy them myself.

And Alice got me two band t-shirts (Iron Maiden and Metallica), and a Guns N' Roses hoodie.

Damon and the guys gave the best present ever though.

Tickets to see Metallica live.

I freaked out. We're all but Alice and Rose going, and it was dated in sometime in April. I was so excited, it was the tour that was just announced a few weeks ago, which I was sad about not going to, but look at me now. It was in New York city too, which meant we had to take a trip to the big apple.

The newspaper article came out the day after Christmas. We were only promised a small article on the side, but got a whole page with a big picture of us playing live. It was really cool, and it did end up being great promotion as our streams were getting higher by the hour.

It was just a few more days till New Years eve, and I was starting to feel bad. My head was pouting, so I had decided to take a nap while Damon was out buying us food.

When I woke up again, I knew much more time than I had planned had passed since I fell asleep. It was dark outside, not that that says a lot since it was December, but the clock wasn't much when I fell asleep.

I felt strange. My whole body was acing and I felt a wet cloth caressing my forehead.

I heard footsteps pacing around in the little room, and a stressed voice talking.

"Mhm, but she hasn't woken yet, what do I do?!" It was Damon's stressed voice, but I couldn't hear any other voice

I forced my heavy eyes open, and let my tired eyes search over the room. Damon was standing in our room with his back towards me, and he held a phone to his ear.

"What if she doesn't wake?! What if she needs a hospital, I should take her to the hospital!" He sounded so upset and paranoid, I wanted to go and give him a hug, and would have if it wasn't for my body being totally drained of energy.

His body turned around slowly, and it looked like it took him a good few minutes to realize what was happening.

"Wait, it looks like she's waking... I'll call you back," I heard a beeping sound, before Damon rushed to my side.

His eyes scanned my whole body with concern, before they met mine.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, and it was first now that I saw his weary eyes. They were bloodshot, and his face was pale with red spots.

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