51- Loose Control

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Torn - Natalie Imbruglia

The crowd was growing drastically, and we all got more and more surprised by each person showing up

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The crowd was growing drastically, and we all got more and more surprised by each person showing up. I mean, yeah, we knew we had a lot of people listening to us on Spotify, and we've shared this on every social media imaginable, but we never thought that many people would actually show.

"Why haven't we got any music videos?" We all turned to Neil who was looking at his phone.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we've released our first album with 8 songs, but not a single one of them has a music video. Shouldn't we make some?"

"I don't know... do they still do that?" I frowned at the boys.

"We'll ask Axel some time, now we have to focus at the mission ahead," Damon said, looking rather stressed.

"Calm down, we have a lot more concerts to be nervous for, you don't have to stress yourself out just yet," I rolled my eyes at them. "Let's just go out there and do what we do best."

"Fall in love with our bandmates?" Neil asked seriously.

"Get cheated on?" Blake asked sarcastically as he took another swing of his beer.

"No, fuckheads, play music," I said, grabbing Blakes beer. He'd had enough, even though it was only beer.

The crowd was getting loud, so loud that it was getting hard to talk to each other.

Axel looked at his clock. "Ready?"

We nodded excitedly before moving through the curtains to get on stage.

And let me tell you, I was so not ready for the sight that met me.

Thousands of people were standing there. Thousands of eyes were staring, right at us. Voices, cheers, applauses. Thousands of them.

They had all payed to come here, maybe even traveled, not far, but far enough to have high expectations.

And that's when the anxiety hit me.

What if I fuck up? What if they don't like us? What if they start 'boo'-ing, or leave, or crave their money back? What if-?

I'd reached my spot on the stage. A microphone, and a new pedalboard. I've taken the liberty to buy some new pedals to make a new board, while keeping the ones I liked. I stopped there, and just admired the sight of the crowd.

Damon had reached his place too, but turned around to look at me. He mouthed a 'whaaaaat?!' While doing a wired body movement out of disbelief. I laugh at him before he turned to the crowd.

He waited till they had quiet down, before he cleared his throat and taking the microphone off the microphone stand.

"I-I didn't think I was shy," I laughed at his way of starting this concert, because he really looked frightened. "This is a lot of people- this is a lot of people," he turned to us at the last part as if telling us.

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