31- Underage??

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Smoking in the boys room- Mötley Crüe

"They want to sign with us?!" Damon almost screamed the words, causing some of the closest people in the bar to look strangely at us

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"They want to sign with us?!" Damon almost screamed the words, causing some of the closest people in the bar to look strangely at us.

It had been two weeks since the audition, and honestly we had more or less forgotten about it since we knew we didn't stand a chance.

That was till now.

Owen called us again this morning, telling us to stop by, even though it was our night off. Then he dropped the bomb that Soundproof records had contacted him, saying that they wanted to schedule a meeting with us to discuss whether we wanted to sign with them or not.

Cause they wanted to sign with us.

"Jupp, they called me this morning, telling me how exiting it was that they were going to collaborate with you," Owen grinned at us.

I didn't share his excitement.

"Why didn't they just contact us directly? They have our number," Blake said skeptically.

We fell into a silence at that, while everyone pondered about what he had just said.

"I don't know, maybe they used wrong number or something?" Owen suggested. "It doesn't really matter though, they want to sign with you!"

"Holy shit!" Alec exclaimed, and we laughed at him, even though we were all thinking the same.

"What does this mean?" Neil just looked confused. "We'll go to the meeting and discuss the contract, then what?"

"That all depends if we sign with them or not ," I said.

"What do you mean, of course we'll sing with them!" Damon looked at me like I was stupid or something.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm just saying that we don't have to accept it. It's an option to turn them down too."

"And why would we do that?"

I flinched. They didn't get it. They didn't get how it'd be for to work with pigs like that. I didn't want to be selfish or a total joy killer, but I wasn't too excited about working with pigs like that, who were more hung up on me being a girl than our music.

"If we sign with them, I guess we'll start with recording more of our music. Then, if it goes well, we'll start playing on bigger areas for bigger crowds... guys, this is sick, we've only played together for a few months, and now we have a record deal offer..." I trailed off.

"We'll meet with them as soon as possible, tell them that. We'll go through all the conditions and we'll make a contract that both parts will sign. It's actually going to happen," Alec seemed beyond words.

"We don't know if we'll get to an agreement. Not yet, we can't celebrate anything before all names are on a paper. Till then, nothing's set in stone," Blake said, supporting my earlier arguments. That it is great that they want to sign us, but nothings for sure yet.

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