40- Nerves

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Why Don't You Get A Job- The Offspring

Why Don't You Get A Job- The Offspring

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I looked up from my history book about the American revolution to see Eli slumping down in the chair across from mine. His blonde waves hung down on his forehead, and he dragged a hand absentmindedly through it, dragging it to the back of his head, but it quickly slumped back in place in front of his eyes again.

He fished out his computer and notebook and placed them on the table.

"Should we get started?"

I nodded my head and closed the history book.

"American revolution?" He nodded his head towards the book.

"Yeah, mr. Ashton got dropped when he was a baby and decided to give us a three thousand words essay about, not only the revolution, but the ideology around it, why it happened, what could have been done differently and how the world would've been today if it never happened. Like I give a shit, I'm not even from this damned country!"

He chuckled. "Agreed, they don't teach us anything about history in the rest of the world. We've barely even mentioned the French Revolution."

"Stupid Americans."

He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Anyway, over to a much more exiting subject, I can't wait to see you guys on Friday!" And he actually looked like he meant it.

Over the last couple of weeks, our friendship had been mended. We were soon done with the project about the 60s, but this time I actually thought we were going to keep talking even when the assignment was handed in. I considered him one of my friends again.

"You're coming?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, I mean, if you don't mind...?" He looked a bit unsure.

"Of course not, the more the merrier! Bring everyone you know, honestly, it would've been so embarrassing if no one showed," I said exposing one of my biggest fears. It was great that we would have our own ticketed concert, but that didn't mean anyone was actually going to come.

"You're not seriously worried about that?" He looked at me like I was stupid.

I nodded my head in shame.

"Nora! You guys' concert is all people have been talking about since word got out in the whole school! I don't have to bring everyone I know, because everyone I know are already going! Everyone's going! So don't worry about an empty crowd."

I looked at him in shock. He was joking, he had to be. He couldn't have told the truth, right? There was no way people were actually talking about us. That people were actually going.

But he didn't look like he was lying, he looked honest.

"You're joking?"


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