61- The Green Light

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Snuff- Slipknot

It was a long drive, and I did my very best to keep awake through it all

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It was a long drive, and I did my very best to keep awake through it all. All I wanted was to collapse, and sleep till the next century.

My everything hurt, and my heart was heavy to carry around. But still, I almost cracked a smile when I saw that we were approaching the city.

I was good at orientating and shit, but I still had my doubts that I'd never find the right way to Aaron's hotel in this huge city.

Luckily for me though, the buss stopped at a place I was familiar with, and I knew I could manage to find my way from here.

My feet felt like jelly, as I limped my way out of the bus. I didn't bother to look up or around, and risk someone giving me a strange look, I just walked out.

I put on the hood, and started walking with my guitars hopping around on my back. I probably looked like a homeless person here I was walking, with holes in my pants, hair that hadn't been washed or brushed for over a week, and covered in dry blood. I was limping, my right arm was hurting, and my ribs were killing me, but I managed to move, even if it was slowly.

I convinced myself for every step that it wasn't that painful, and that it didn't hurt that much, but I knew I had a few broken bones and probably some sprains. It didn't matter though, I didn't care if I needed to see a doctor, as long as I had a roof over my head and a certain feeling of safety.

As long as I was far away from Damon.

It took me thirty minutes to reach the hotel, but it probably would've taken half the time if I could've walked normally.

The entrance looked as big and great as the last time, and the people looked just as fancy.

I tried to look as normal as possible as I limped into the fancy lobby, but it was obvious that I stood out like a sore thumb. Here I was in this fancy ass hotel with these fancy ass people, looking like this.

I carefully made my way to the reception, and caught the receptionists eyes. She gave me one look, before giving me a concerned look.

"Miss, are you okay?" She looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you, I just need to talk to A-," I stopped when I realised this was the kind of place where people go by their last name. She looked at me strangely. "Mr... Hawthorne," I said, barley remembering his last name. "I need to talk to Mr. Hawthorne."

"Do you have an appointment?" She looked hesitant.

"No, eh, just tell him it's urgent," she still didn't look convinced. "Please."

She sighed before picking up the phone, and placing it to her ear. She waited in silence, before she started to speak.

"Mr. Hawthorne, there's someone here asking to see you... I don't know, some girl," wow, feels good to be some girl. "I don't know... she said it was urgent..."

She hung up the phone, before turning to me.

"He'll be here in a minute."

I smiled, and thanked her, before walking to sit in one of the leather chairs to wait for him.

I didn't even know what to say to him when he got here... I didn't even know what I wanted from him, it's just... I had nowhere else to go.

I felt tears press in the back of my eyes, but I pushed them back. I refused to cry. I was done with that. From now on, I was going to be stronger. I was going to be a person who wouldn't let people walk over her, or let herself be blinded by love. I was done with that.

My head snapped up when I heard the sound of an elevator opening, and my heart rate quickened when I saw a mop of familiar brown hair.

Then my heart rate slowed down again with disappointment, because even though it was the same coloured hair, it wasn't Aaron. Aaron would've never let his hair be messy like this, he always styled it. This guy was also taller, more muscular and younger.

I only spared the person a short glance when I saw that it wasn't Aaron, but my gaze quickly snapped back to him. I don't know what it was that made me look back at him, he hadn't even noticed me, but once I had looked... I couldn't look away.

This man was gorgeous.

Like absolutely amazingly looking.

His hair was slightly curled, and messy on top of his head. His eyes were piercing green, he had full lips and a jawline sharp as a knife. He was tall, not as tall as Damon, but taller than Aaron. He was muscular built, but again, not as strong as Damon. I thought it looked better with the amount of muscles that this guy had though. Damon had, what most people would call too much muscles. This guy was strong, hell yeah, but not like a bodybuilder like Damon.

He wore a suit, that looked like it was tailor made for only him, but unlike how Aaron wore his suit, it had a few wrinkles and the tie was out of place. He wore it like he didn't care, and it really suited him.

He walked up to the receptionist, who smiled politely to him, before pointing towards me.

He turned around, and I thought my heart had stopped.

Right when our eyes met, I didn't have a single thing on my mind. Not a singly worry, or fear or anything. Only him, and those green eyes.

It felt like they pierced through my soul, temping all of my deepest secrets out of me. Those eyes were like the light at the end of my tunnel, the light that I never saw before.

The green light.

That one moment of eye contact felt like a connection I'd never felt before. It felt like I saw my whole life in reverse, just like they say you do when you die. I saw all the pain, all the mistakes, all the lonely nights and the tears I've shed for things I never could change.

Those eyes made me want to cry, smile, laugh, break down, all at once, because I realised it was over.

I had lost Damon, I had officially left Damon.

And in those eyes... there was something within me that connected with this handsome stranger by just looking at him. I didn't know who he was, but there was something about him that made me want to throw myself into his arms, and let him comfort me as I broke down.

I hadn't felt real emotions for way too long. I hadn't felt anything. But right then, in that moment, I felt more than I ever had before.

The end of volume 1


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