30- Respect

18 3 0

Whiplash- Metallica

"The angles crows are up next," a man standing by the door to the auditorium raised his voice over the noisy room

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"The angles crows are up next," a man standing by the door to the auditorium raised his voice over the noisy room.

My skin pricked, and my stomach did a nervous flip. It was our turn next. The other group was still in there, so we wasn't going to walk inside yet, it was just a heads up that our time is soon.

My hands started sweating, and I dragged then frantically over my pants, trying to dry them. Worst thing was playing guitar with sweaty hands.

I held my pick in my right hand in a iron grip. The tip of the pick was shaking slightly, and I shook my hands as if shaking the nervousness off.

The others looked nervous as well. Blake couldn't stand still in one place, Alec was tuning his bass for the seventh time and Neil was fidgeting nervously with his drumsticks, twining then between his fingers. Damon himself was looking around in the room with a strange look on his face. His hands where clinched to fists and his leg was shaking up and down, so I knew he was nervous too.

"Okay, the angels crows, get in there," the man by the auditorium said.

"This is it guys," I said, preparing to walk in there.

"We're just playing at the bar, just having fun. We're not playing for some scary scouts that are most likely only going to embarrass us..." Neil mumbled nervously.

"Just get in there already," Damon groaned from the back before giving him a firm push towards the auditorium.

He stumbled towards the door, before regaining his balance. The guy at the door opened it. I took one last deep breath.

My guitar was clinging to my shoulder, digging into my skin like a huge extra weight. I was using my Epiphone Les Paul, so no surprise it was heavy.

The others walked into the room in a nice line. I followed lastly. I could feel the door-guy giving me a look. A shiver went down my spine, but I didn't have much time to think about my discomfort before we were inside the auditorium.

The stage was stretched out in front of us, and it was huge. It had a upper flat where a huge drum set was placed, and amps were lined up on every free wall.

And the auditorium was gigantic. Humongous. It had more than enough space to fit at least a thousand people. There were two floors, where the upper one had seats that was angled down to the stage, and the bottom was just a plain floor with only three chairs.

In the chairs sat three guys. They all had writing boards in their hands. They looked lost in a conversation about the previous band, before switching their papers to new ones.

We passed the guys that had played before us. They looked nervous, and I got a feeling that it didn't go great for them.

They ignored us as they left the big room.

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