18- About A Boy

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About a girl- Nirvana

The rest of the weekend passed without any sign of Neil or Alec

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The rest of the weekend passed without any sign of Neil or Alec. They were ignoring all of us and shutting us out. They probably did the same to each other.

A part of me really hoped that they'd met up during the weekend, and fixed their mess. I knew that was hoping for too much, though.

My guess is that they spent their entire weekend locked up inside their room, away from the rest of the world.

It was Monday, and I was really dreading going through this entire day if they both were as grumpy as last time we saw them. Even worse is if they keep it going the entire week. Or never make up at all, and end up splitting the band...

Let's hope they're less selfish than that.

Walking through the main entrance with my fingers intertwined with Damon's, we both saw the scene at the same time, and I could hear Damon silently cursing beside me. Cause a few lockers ahead of us, we could see Neil and Alec glaring at each other while Blake stood between them trying to break up their fight with one hand on each of their chests. They were heaving for breaths and if looks could kill they'd be six feet under. Both of them.

I could see Blake saying something to the both of them, before they both stormed off in opposite directions, even though I was pretty sure they both had the same class.

"What're we gonna do about that?" I asked as we approached Blake.

"I think we just have to let it play out the way it does," Blake said, sounding tired as he dragged his hand over his face.

"But what if it escalates badly? What if they start hating each other and force us all to split up and get a new drummer and bass player and-" I started rambling and pacing back and forth in the crowded school hallway.

I stopped when Damon caught my hand again and pulled me closer to him.

"Calm down Nora, they'll get over it. Meanwhile, we get more alone time," Damon said, smirking down at me, not seeming the slightest bit concerned.

Lately we had been spending a lot of time together though, and I spent more nights at Damon's apartment than at Dimitris at the moment. I didn't think Dimitri minded, though, and if I kept going like this, I would officially have moved in with him by the time December comes around.

"Hey, what about us??" Alice came stumbling towards us from her locker a couple steps ahead.

"You'll get your alone time too," Damon shrugged. "I really hope you're not inviting me to threesome... or foursome?"

I hit him in the chest. "Damon!" I hissed, dragging him towards his first class. I had Calculus now together with Blake and Alice, but he would've never left if I didn't force him to.

We walked in silence till I decided to break it. "You think they fight more violently?" I asked absentmindedly as we walked down the hallways.

"What, when they have threesome? Definitely." Damon answered confidently, even adding a little nod to his statement.

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