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Holy Wars... The Punishment Due- Megadeth

 The Punishment Due- Megadeth

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The weekend went by quickly. I was home both days, trying my best not to piss off Dimitri or Allison, which was something I had discovered was way harder than I thought. If I said one thing wrong, or was a minute late, Dimitri would yell at me till my ears fell off.

It wasn't pretty, so only choice I had was to never fucking piss them off.

Though, feeling unsafe in my own home made me even more paranoid, paranoia caused the nightmares to worsen, and being home without shit to do made me think a lot more too, and my already slim hours of sleep became even slimmer.

By the time of Sunday night, I had just gotten yelled at for spilling water at dinner after having a panic attack in the shower when the memories from my past flashed before my eyes, I already knew that it was going to be a night without much sleep.

I felt like shit the next day, but I somehow managed to pull off a somewhat normal look. I was so fucking tired of this, and I needed at least one night of proper sleep to catch up with all the sleep I had lost. It still shocked me how I managed to dream so much, even when I was so fucking tired. I thought your body should completely shut off when you're burned out, so I guess I hadn't reached the breaking point quite yet.

Classes went by pretty uneventful, and lunch went smoothly by too. I sat with the guys, and we were just talking like we'd known each other for years.

I loved that, I loved to feel like I belonged somewhere.

"If you had to choose, Megadeth or Metallica?" Neil laid on the sofa in Damons apartment with his head in Alecs lap, and his feet hanging off the edge.

"Metallica," Damon answered immediately to nobodies surprise. "Without a doubt."

"Shocker," Blake snickered at him. "I actually think I'll go with Megadeth."

"You're just saying that to piss me off," Damon glared at him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Partly, but I just like Megadeth's songs better, Dave Mustaine is fucking best at writing riffs."

"I agree with that, he is a brilliant riff writer, but I still have to go for Metallica," I said truthfully. "I just really love their sound. Plus, Lars is from Denmark, so I kind of have to."

"I don't know... maybe Metallica too," Alec spoke up. "There's just something so unique about Metallica..."

"Dokken or Skid Row?" I threw in my own question.

"Stop that glam rock bullshit of yours," Damon leaned forwards in his seat to look at me. "Glam fucking sucks."

I gasped at him. "It fucking doesn't, glam is the fucking best."

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