23- I Hate Shopping. I Despise It. With A Passion

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Disconnect- megadeth

Time went way too fast, and in no time at all, it was 20th Of December

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Time went way too fast, and in no time at all, it was 20th Of December. I finally asked Rose if she could go Christmas shopping with me yesterday, and when I told her I hadn't gotten a single gift yet, she insisted that we went today. I told the guys I hadn't gotten them anything yet, and they said that they had already gotten me my present.

Yeah, they had actually gotten me a present.

Anyway, Alice admitted that she hadn't bought a present to Blake yet either, so she was gonna join too.

"Oh god, it's so fucking cold out!" Alice complaint as we were walking towards the café.

"Dude, it's like barley under 0°c."

"Can you please speak English! I don't get any of that Norwegian temperature bullshit," she complained as we rounded the last corner, and the café were just a couple blocks away.

"Not my problem," I shrugged my shoulders.

She huffed in response, sending out a huge cloud of her breath out in the cold winter air.

When we finally reached the door, Rose was on her way out.

"Hi guys, give me a second, I'm just gonna close up first," she said as she fished out her keys. The café closed for Christmas, and wouldn't open again till after New Years because Rose was going to a friend in New York for the holidays.

"Sure thing, it's not like it's cold or anything," Alice slightly complained, as she snuggled deeper down into her winter coat. Then she glared at me. "You fucking psycho, how are you not freezing?!"

I had moved on to a thicker jacket by now, a lined denim jacket, but it still wasn't that warm. "Trust me, I'm usually the one who freezes the most and wears the most clothes, but it's really not that cold."

Alice had opened her mouth to say something, when a group of guys passed us, one of them slapping his hand across my ass as they did.

My mouth went open in a mixture of pain and surprise. I turned around, and a guy barely a few inches taller than me stood in front of me. He was chubby with short dirty blonde hair, and he tried to pull of the messy hair look, but failed miserably. His blue eyes were an ugly shade, and his face was awkwardly formed as a fat square.

I'm not one to body shame, honestly, but this guy had an attitude that was way cocky, and his ugly appearance made him just purely disgusting.

He smirked at me, and I resisted the urge to puke.

"Hi there beautiful," even his voice was awful.

"Did you just touch my ass?" I seethed out angrily through clenched teeth.

"Sure did sexy, whatcha gonna do bout it?" He slurred in a manner that a drunk person would. He wasn't drunk though, and that scared me even more.

I glared at him, and was about to attack him with a flying fist, but decided against it. Anger tingle through my veins, but I really didn't think that getting in a fight in front of my boss would get me anywhere.

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