37- The Unforgiven

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Estranged- Guns 'N' Roses

A/n: this chapter contains a lot of sexual content and TRIGGER WARNINGS

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A/n: this chapter contains a lot of sexual content and TRIGGER WARNINGS. I've placed a warning before them, so yeah, you're warned. Anyways, on with the book:

I wish I hadn't fallen asleep. I wish I'd been able to keep my eyes open and see Rose. Because what I didn't know at the time, was that that was going to be the last time I ever saw her. And I never even got to say goodbye.

She wasn't dead, calm down. She was breathing perfectly fine, her heart was still beating, but I was not allowed to ever see her again.

Damon made me quit. He forced me to quit my job at café Mary Lind. And he made me promise to never come back there, not even as a regular customer.

I don't know what happened after I fell asleep. Damon said that she had gone crazy, accusing him for the worst things and telling him that I wasn't safe here.

What terrified me the most was that a part of me knew that she wasn't lying.

Anyway, Damon didn't want me to work for such a 'crazy, unstable girl' -his words, not mine-, so he made me quit. He didn't want me to ever talk to her again either.

It took me a hell of a lot convincing to make him believe that I hadn't told her anything. Because I hadn't.

He believed me on the condition that I promised to never talk to her again. I didn't really see how that was fair, but i needed him to trust me.

Papers were signed, but I never really met her to finish the resignation. It went quickly over my head, and before I knew it I was unemployed again.

And Damon was too.

I had asked him if he still did the drug selling thing, but he always changed the subject. I didn't know if I really want to know the answer either.

It was a mess, and we had just swept the whole thing under the carpet again.

But over to another thing: our meeting with Soundproof Records.

We have moved the meeting a few times because of Dimitris death. But now we had sat a final date; 4th of March.

I didn't want to. I really, really didn't want to do this on the one year death anniversary of my whole family. But we couldn't cancel it again. They might drop us, and it was not worth sacrificing that just because I wasn't emotionally stable on that day.

And that day was today.

First thing I did was wake up from one of the worst night terrors I'd had, and then vomiting for fifteen minutes straight.

Damon immediately understood that something was wrong when he awoke to an empty bed a few minutes after I was done throwing up.

He knocked on the door. "Nora? Are you okay Cutie?"

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