49- An Accident

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Walk This Way - Aerosmith

"Seesaw swinging with the boys in the school

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"Seesaw swinging with the boys in the school

And your feet flying up in the air!

Singing, hey diddle diddle

With you kitty in the middle

Of the swinging like you didn't care!"

We were singing once again on our way home. As we drove past huge buildings and skyscrapers, we tried our hardest to match Steven Tylers voice on 'walk this way', but to no luck. Honestly, how does he even sing it like that?

Three and a half hour wasn't that long when we sang and laughed. Before we knew it, we were rounding up to the familiar streets of south Boston. We decided to stop by our diner for some lunch.

"What now?" Blake started at his untouched hamburger.

"What do you mean?" I asked, giving him a startled look. He looked... sad almost.

"We're done with the concert, we're not releasing a new album, and we're not going to have another concert till after graduation... so, what now?"

That put us all into a deep silence, drowning out any sound and joy.

I mean, he was right. I had felt the dread myself, of going back home and knowing it was a break from this. But not the good kind of break. Not the one you long for and spend relaxing. This is the unnecessary break, that you'd rather not have.

There was no point in having a break, we were only just getting started. We had so much more to give. And now we had two months of nothing left before we could continue what we started. What are we supposed to do, homework? Fuck no.

But that's unfortunately how the next couple of months passed. We were all in this daze, in a different kind of state than reality. It felt like the world had stopped, just so we could graduate.

But it hadn't.

Our streams proved us that, as they shot sky high. We just reached 100k, and couldn't help ourselves but to throw a concert. The concert is being held in a place called 'house of blues'. The place wasn't huge like huge huge, but it was still the biggest we've played. They have a capability of nearly 3000 people. That's many people.

But even though a lot of things have been great these last few weeks, a lot of things have been... not that great.

Me and Damon were still fighting. A lot. I think the guys have noticed, but they've never said anything. Mostly because they don't see the bad side of it all.

You see, both me and Damon were born perfect actors. It doesn't matter if Damon slept on the couch, or if he punched me again the night before. When we're around people, we smile, and act like a happy couple.

Little does they know that we were the complete opposite.

Because he still hit me.

It wasn't that bad, and not that often. It was also only when he was drunk. But every once and again, I would say something, or do something, that was just over the line. And he would do something back, something that was way over the line.

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