34- Apologies And Reunions

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Nobodies Fool- Cinderella

"What's up with you today?" Rose asked as we were cleaning off some of the tables after we closed

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"What's up with you today?" Rose asked as we were cleaning off some of the tables after we closed. "You seem distracted... distant almost."

I sighed and tried to come up with a good lie to tell her.

This day had already been exhausting for me.

Before the whole thing with Amanda, before even going to school, the same thing as always happened. I woke up, and you know the drill. Damon suffocated me in apologies and promises that I fell for. Again.

I had walked through the whole day half asleep. Even though the clock wasn't too much over am when I passed out, I had been drinking the day before. I wouldn't call it a hangover, but my head certainly hurt.

My eyelids kept falling over my eyes, and yawns continued leaving my mouth. My body felt heavy, it felt like a whole body workout to just walk from table to table. My head was full of thoughts.

"I'm just tired," was the lie that had to do.

But the look in her eyes told me that she didn't believe me. They softened before she opened her mouth again. "Listen Nora, I've noticed how you've been acting... strange lately. And I've avoided asking about your cut," she gestured to my cheek, "but I'm scared for you..."

The quietness laid like a blanket over us, and it felt like it pushed us further away from each other, instead of closer. It lasted, and I was scared she expected me to say something, but then she opened her mouth again.

Her voice was shaking, and it was reluctant and full of doubt, but I guess she felt like she had to ask. "Nora... is it Damon?"

She looked almost afraid when my eyes snapped up to meet hers. "What?" I breathed out. "No! Of course not, Damon would never hurt me!"

I sounded confident about it, but on the inside I was doubting every word.

"I know, it's just... he looks... he's so big compared to you, and, well, he looks like the person to-"

I immediately cut her off. "Don't you dare finish that sentence," my voice was low and intimidating. "You never said that, you never even thought that. We'll never talk about this again, and you won't ever say something like that again, understood?"

She looked at me in disbelief, like what I said was completely out of character. Then she took a couple of hesitant steps away from me, before turning on her heel and running to the kitchen.

I slumped down in a chair and laid my head in my hands. I felt like shit.

I had had a shitty day, but that doesn't give me a free pass to treat others like this. I sighed into my hands, and pushed back the threatening tears. I knew Rose would refuse to come out till she was sure I had left, so I quickly washed the rest of the tables and left a message on the big chalkboard over the counter.

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