Lambman (Lambwick x The Coachman)

152 3 1

Hi uh. No.


No. :)

Okay first and foremost. The coachman is definitely a pedophile, right? Like that's not a question, he just is. The dude's so creepy and surrounds himself with little boys 24/7, he's definitely a pedophile and he should be FUCKING EXECUTED.

Now, I could argue as to why this is terrible all day, we all know what's wrong with it (at least I goddamn hope so). But I wanna talk about the Coachman in general.

He's the most evil Disney Character.

Just hands down.

Enslaving potentially THOUSANDS of innocent children by turning them into donkeys... is literally the most evil thing I can imagine.

The dude probably murdered the kids that could still talk, too.

And he NEVER gets punished for it. AT ALL.

So while Pinocchio is just having this nice celebration at the end, the dude's probably picking up more and more kids to disfigure and enslave.

Not only that, but take those aspects out, he's still kidnapping me thousands of children and endangering them on a creepy ass Neverland rip-off.

The only reason he's doing this? MONEY! At least the other Disney Villains have charm, and fun little reasons for their Villainy, this dude just wants to become the next J*ff Bezos using child labor.

Fucking Christ.

Anyway, the actual roots of this ship is a fic where they were both like 16, and I mean, sure in that context it MIGHT be fine, and it's definitely just two seventeen year olds fucking around with theatre productions... but I don't know dawg, it still gives me terrible vibes.

Even in the okay-ish scenario, given that's more of a take on two timeless characters that can be interpreted differently over time.

That's a gray area, I don't know.

This actual ship however? No. Absolutely not. No.

-1000000000000/10, please take it away so I can talk about decent things.

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