Naveenier (Naveen x Dr Facilier)

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If you're wondering how I come up with these Ship names, basically I start typing one persons name, then try to bullsh*t my way out of it.

I apologize for swearing so much, but unfortunately it's my Personality.

If you're like me, your soul just left your Body the second you discovered this. Yeah, I don't know why, but this one was just the tipping point.

Truth be told, it's not even THAT bad... well by my Standards. It's the same level of bad as Faciana (Facilier x Tiana), but for some reason all I wanted to do when I heard about this Ship was stare at a blank wall in silence.

It doesn't get me upset, it doesn't make me happy... it just turns me into Nothingness.

I can't even explain this, main problem with this Ship, Facilier is like two decades older than Naveen and also he turned him into a Frog and tried to Murder him. Not exactly romantic...

That's about the same level of romantic as Maleficent cursing a Baby. Call me crazy, but I am NOT a fan.

I'm just gonna watch paint dry for a few Hours as my Brain reboots.


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