Baby Shower?

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It wasn't fair that Richard was only here for a week. He spent most the time telling our parents and friends the news of the baby and then we had very little time to ourselves.

Richard was flying out now, the end of the September, to New York and staying until the end of October. He promised he'd be back by Halloween but I didn't mind, as long as he returned soon.

He had to sort out and finish at the office in New York before he could transfer back to London. He was running the office in America so he had to make sure he was leaving it in good hands.

So, even though a month felt like a long time for me, it was necessary.

"I'll see you so soon." Richard kissed me again for the like 15th time before I let him go through security at the airport.

I watched him leave and just stayed hopefully it would only be a month without him.

In the mean time, it was my final year at uni and I tried so hard to get up to date with all my work because I knew soon, I'd be much more stressed and tired.

Baby girl was due on 1st of February but we were told it could be earlier or later so I had no gage on whether I'd be able to do work for most of January or not.

I wanted to complete most of my assignments before the baby came so when I had her, I only had to do some finishing touches before handing them in early May.

Richard said he'd take time off work so I could work but we'll see about that, he loves his work now.

He hated working for his father but moving out the New York away from him and getting to run that branch gave him a whole new look on it.

His father retired now anyway, so he was officially not going to be bothered even in the London office.

"Hey! Did you want to go shopping?" Lily appeared in my room one afternoon.

"I can never say no to that question." I smiled.

"Good! I thought we could go buy some stuff for the baby... you know some cute clothes or something." She smiled.

"That sounds fun! I need to do all the boring stuff too, like look for cots and cribs and prams... but maybe I'll wait and make Richard do most of it." I laughed.

"That's not boring. We can go have a look around a few shops now. Why not?" Lily shrugged.

"Sure. I mean I'd love to get some of that out of the way. There's so much to remember..." I laughed as I grabbed my coat and we left the apartment.

I took the opportunity while shopping to kind of throw in the fact that I'd be having a baby in this flat, with Lily and Matt still living with us.

"This one is cute! But will she want a big crib or do you keep them in a little basket at the beginning?" Lily was lost in the baby section, fully immersing herself in the cutest clothes and baby items.

"I actually wanted to talk about that..." I hummed quietly. "The baby will be here early next year so... I'll still be in the flat—"

"— uh Before you say another word... Matt and I spoke about it already. In fact we assumed it was a given. We're fine with the baby being in the flat." Lily reassumed me.

"I just thought, you know, with a crying baby and end of year exams..." I hummed.

"Won't be a problem. I only have practical exams left by that point so I won't be needing to study and Matt said he can work with any noise or he'll go to the library. We're students— we are used to loud annoying parties going on all night." Lily smiled as she ran her finger along the line of baby grows hung on the wall.

"You don't have to be nice you know lil? I know I went through some messed up stuff last year but you can tell it to me straight. Richard will probably be able to afford a place for us if it's not okay." I felt insanely guilty about springing it on them like this.

"We think it'll be fun! The five of us living together, we can help with the baby! We're great baby sitters." Lily smiled widely.

"Richard as well? You'd be okay with him being here?" I felt my worries lift from my shoulders.

"Of course. Assuming he's back in the country..." Lily smirked.

"He will be, by then anyway."

- - - - -

"I was thinking a party! Well... baby shower? For everyone to come over to our place, have some fun, bring a gift..." Lily was very supportive and always willing to help my out at every turn.

"What do you think?" I asked Richard, who was on a FaceTime call with me just as Lily had burst into my room.

"Sounds fun!" Richard called.

"Thanks rich!" Lily laughed as she only just realised he was on the phone.

"I guess it could be fun? I don't have the energy to organise a nice party though, it'll have to be a low maintenance, low budget party." I moaned turning over on my bed and allowing Lily to join me as she came to speak with Richard.

"No! I'll organise it all. Plus I know it's not traditional but like I want you to be there Richard. So when will you be back?" Lily pressed.

She was kinda asking this on behalf of me. Richard had changed his flights twice now. Originally he'd be home by the 21st October, then it got moved to the 30th and now we're on the 4th November... I was getting a worried he'd keep moving it back.

I know he had important stuff to finish's she wrap up there but I couldn't help but feel a little selfish and want him to be here with me all the time.

"My flight is scheduled for the 6th November, I'll land at 9pm I think?" Richard was preoccupied as he flicked through his calendar to check the dates of his arrival.

"6th? You told me the 4th!" I pouted.

"I know I meant to say— we've got new employees starting in the 4th and I wanted to meet them." He explained.

I felt awful that I just wanted him to be with me, not at work. But I also felt awful that he was on the other side of world to me while I carried his child.

Lily noted the date and started to prepare the days she could do for the baby shower. "Can I invite your families?" Lily asked.

"Yes." I said.

"No." He said.

Richard and I laughed at that. We'd love my family to be there but his... not so much.

"You can invite them but they probably won't come." Richard rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Plus our friends... and your modelling buddies? And Richard anyone you want there?" Lily was scribbling away on a piece of paper while she spoke.

"Jenna." He laughed. I felt it hard not to collapse into a smile and look lovingly at him through the camera.

"Anyone else?" Lily smirked.

"I'll text you." He laughed. "Look... I gotta run for a meeting but I can talk later?"

"Later we will be asleep but I'll talk to you tomorrow!" I said.

"Of course. Love you." Richard smiled.

"Love you." I said as he hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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