Shocking each other.

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"Stop stop." I sighed as Richard was getting out of bed really early in the morning. "Where are you sneaking off to?"

"I didn't want to wake you, I remembered I have to meet my dad discuss plans for graduation. Taking over the fucking newspaper family business." Richard moaned as he was getting his socks and pants on. Then putting on jeans and a top.

"Okay, have fun." I said tiredly as I watched him get dressed.

"How are you feeling today?" He leant over and kissed me.

"Not the worst. Cramps have died down and the bleeding has pretty much reach the end. Are you around to drive me to hospital tomorrow?" I asked.

"I have lectures at 5:30pm but free all morning why are we going to the hospital I thought they said that we just let it come out and then you're fine?" Richard asked.

"It's a check up. Make sure everything actually left and all the stuff, the blood is out. Then just check I'm all okay I guess." I smiled. "It's at 9:30am"

"Pick you up at 9." He leant over and kissed me again but lingered this time before leaving. "Bye jen."

"Bye!" I smiled turning over to fall back asleep.

- - - - -

"What are you doing here?" I opened the front door to see my dad and violet.

"Nice to see you too." Dad said laughing a little. While violet just grinned up at me and then hugged me. I bent down to hug her and smiled at her briefly.

"Seriously though... what's up?" I asked.

"Violet hasn't seen you in a while and we thought instead of making you come home all the time we would come to you!" Dad smiled.

"Jenna." Violet smiled as she stepped back from the hug. 

"Oh honey I'm glad to see you too but Richards about to pick me up I have to go to my appointment at the... University. Yes a meeting with my lecturer at university!" I covered my tracks quickly, Dad didn't know I was pregnant either let alone telling him I miscarried.

"Oh well we can come with you have a look around the uni and wait for you." Dad said.

"Not a good idea. You guys go to my room instead and I'll take you on a tour in an hour." I sighed.

"Is this a bad time?" Dad asked.

"No, I just wasn't expecting guests." I breathed and suddenly Richard pulled up in the car behind Dad and violet stood at the door.

"Hey." Richard smiled getting out of the car.

"Richard!" Violet ran towards him and he bent down and hugged her too. After the summer she had, Richard got to know her very well, when she was sick we were both there for her all time.

"Hey kiddo." Richard smiled now bent down at her level. "Hows school?"

"Great!" Violet answered. "You know I was behind Well I'm not anymore, I did all the reading and catching up I had to do and I'm in the top set for reading in year 3."

"I don't know anyone who likes school as much as you do." Richard poked her and they both laughed. "Except from maybe your sister." He smirked up at me and I smiled.

"We're going. Violet we will catch up in a hour I promise. I'll see you both soon." I said handing Dad a spare key in case he wanted to stay in the house but I assume that they would just drive around maybe go shopping for a bit.

Then Richard and I got in his car and drove to the hospital.

- - - - -

"So I'm guessing you haven't told your dad a thing?" Richard said as we sat in the car.

"When I said I've only told you, Lily and Matt I meant it." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have to tell him. He doesn't need to know, it's in the past mostly now. He would never find out..."

"I sense a but..."

"But you should tell him out of decency." Richard laughed.

"I know. Maybe not now, I will tell him. But next time I go home. Which isn't long we have a break in a few weeks." I sighed.

"Alright, fair enough. Then let's get this appointment over with and then focus on spending time with Violet." Richard smirked.

"Yes. I agree." I nodded.

- - - - -

"Hey I know it's sad, but just today let's keep our chin up." Richard said as we came out of the hospital together, he had his arm around me as we walked back to the car.

"Yeah." I smiled up at him briefly.

"What do you want to do with violet? Take her to park? It is a bit cold out though. How about a movie?" Richard asked.

"Sounds great. It is a little cold." I smiled whilst we got in the car and began to drive back to the house.

We were a little over an hour so Dad and Violet were already in my house, in the the living room and they were chatting to some of the housemates. Lily, tom and grace were cooking lunch so it links with the living room and they were chatting together.

Violet was watching tv and chatting to Lily briefly as they knew each other.

"Hey v." I said tapping her head as we walked in. "How does the cinema sound?" I sat down on the couch next to her and gave her a small hug.

"Great! I haven't been in so long. Is Richard coming?" Violet smiled squeezing me tightly.

"I sure am." Richard said sitting across from us in the chair.

"Dad you wanna come?" I asked.

"I wanted to speak to you actually." Dad said standing up and signalling that we step outside.

"Alright." I nodded. "Be right back, go get your jacket on and make Richard put his shoes back on." I whispered to violet and laughed with her.

Dad and I went out into the back garden and as it was quite windy in October we went and sat in a sheltered bit on some garden chairs out of ear shot from everyone who was inside.

"Everything ok?" I asked as I pulled my jacket shut to try and get warmed.

"Well, we're having some... trouble." Dad said sounding concerned.

"Trouble? You and Rachel? Or..."

"At home. Everyone. Grace is crawling around causing havoc, Violet's illness just put us in the weirdest year of our lives and Rachel and I are having trouble coping." Dad explained very carefully.

"Oh right." I said. "Well, you're all ok though?"

"Not really. I lost my job." Dad admitted and I physically gasped.

"Oh my god." I breathed. "Are you looking for a new one? What happened?"

"The company made me redundant. So I've got a payout from that that's lasting us for now but I am looking for new ones. We only just bought this house and I'm scared we are going to lose it." Dad explained.

"Oh woah. I was not expecting this at all..." I frowned. "You must be so stressed. Do you want to stay here? Or go for a drive or something whilst I take violet out?"

"I could do with some sleep." He sighed.

"Go sleep, my beds clean we've been Uh... washing it a lot recently." I sighed because we were washing it from all the blood I had leaked all over it through the miscarriage.

"Jen are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. I was meant to be coming home to look after violet more anyway. So it's best if I do something now and you relax." I explained.

"Alright." Dad smiled placing an arm around me and giving me a small hug for thanks.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now