Broken Friendships

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"Trust me nothing was as terrifying as Jenna coming to me crying a few weeks ago. Then the amount that she bled that night was insane. Nothing is more scary than that." Lily was chatting with Matt one night, as they were laying in bed.

"That is scary. I'm glad she's all better now." Matt nodded.

"So much has happened these last few years since Jenna's been around. It's been crazy." Lily laughed.

"Well yeah she's something else." He laughed along with her.

"If I tell you something will you promise not tell Jenna?" She asked.

"Of course lil." Matt smiled.

"Richard came to me last week and was asking advice about Jenna and her birthday. I'm afraid he's going to do something stupid like propose. Jenna's not ready for that. Even if she loves that guy to the moon and back she's cheated on him twice now, if that doesn't say something I don't know what does." She whispered as she was hugging Matt tighter in bed.

"You think he's going to propose? No way. I don't think so." Matt laughed.

"I don't know he didn't say that but he did say he wants this birthday to be super special and more amazing than any other year." Lily sighed.

"We bought her a car when she was 18 what more can we do?" Matt frowned. "She's 20 I guess she deserves something special but it's not exactly 21 is it?"

"No and it's not for while. Violets coming next weeks for two weeks and then her birthday is a week after that so we have some time to establish exactly what Richard means." Lily shrugged.

- - - - -

"Oh you look mad. What have I done now?" Lily laughed as she and Matt were laying on the bed in her room one afternoon.

"I was just hanging out with Holly and Grace." I smirked.


"And they had the delight in asking me if I was going to try again for another since you know the last one died?" I scolded her. "No one knew about the miscarriage. I told you, Matt and Richard... oh and Tom that works for Richards Dad now. Now who out of those people would have told our two closest girl friends?"


"I think I can guess who." Matt joked looking down at Lily in his arms.

"Seriously lil? How does that come up in your gossip." I sighed putting myself at the end of the bed.

"They're my friends. I needed to vent and to be honest we've been pretty close recently." Lily explained casually.

"Meaning that you can tell my secrets?" I breathed.

"Well no, but I'm sorry. It's hard not mention something that's been affecting our lives so much." Lily shrugged.

"I think I'm going to get some water." Matt coughed standing up as he could sense we needed to talk privately.

"Good idea." Lily stroked his leg smiling before he got up and went.

"So you've been close with holly and grace?" I frowned across at her.

"Kinda. They're my friends. And though your memory still isn't fabulous they're yours too. And I guess recently you've been going through some stuff so I've been hanging out more with them." Lily explained.

"Alright, well try to keep me out of your subject matter." I stropped off out of her room and into mine because she was pissing me off with all this talk of new friends because I wasn't there. Sorry I've been busy with the death of my kid. It's like Maisie all over again.

"Hey, no don't strop off. You don't get to be angry here. I apologised for telling them so accept it." Lily frowned following me into my room.

"I have." I breathed heavily.

"Jen, I know you when you're angry." Lily raised her eyebrows.

"You've got new best friends?" I lashed out.

"Kinda. Jen you have to admit we aren't exactly as close as we were. You're all shut off and away with Richard. Then lying to me about being pregnant and these homeless Friends you have..." Lily shrugged.

"Not as close as we were? I've told four people about the miscarriage and you're one of them. I'm not close with anyone else." I frowned at her.

"That doesn't mean we have the same friendship though does it? Just think about without being angry. When was the last time we just hung out together... or went to a film or even hung out in a group?" Lily explained.

"I don't get it I tell you everything. I don't have a another best friend." I sighed. "I've just been busy recently we would hang out otherwise."

"Then maybe things will go back to how they were. But it's difficult when we use to share a room where it was hard to keep any secrets from one another." Lily said.

"This is just like maisie all over again." I mumbled under my breath.


"Well after maisie died you hardly understood and we grew apart then. You made friends with a completely new group of people. And only hung out with Lucy and Olivia." I smirked.

"That's not true. I was there for you." She frowned.

"Sometimes. But I know you'd avoid our room if you were alone or we were away from the group. You and I completely lost touch then." I explained.

"You know that's because you distanced yourself just like you're doing at the moment, saying you can't come out and you're busy with work. But I know your teachers have given you extra time and better marks because of the circumstances." Lily scolded.

"I was dealing with the death of my kid, like I am now." I snapped because she hit a nerve.

"Well maybe stop putting yourself in situations where you could get pregnant and you wouldn't have to deal with it." Lily yelled back.

"Fuck you lily." I walked out the room slamming the door behind me.

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