Back on your feet.

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"What are you doing?" Richard snapped at me, he had appeared in my bedroom early the next day. He didn't sleep at mine because I was in so much discomfort and bleeding like hell everywhere I needed my own bed.

"Getting dressed? Is that illegal?" I smirked across at him.

"Where are you going? It's Sunday?" Richard sighed.

"I've got to go to work. Talk to George in person and so he can convince his dad that I should still have Job after everything that's happened." I explained.

"You're going to modelling?" Richard frowned.

"Yes." I smiled.

"You've only just..."

"Bled to death and laid in bed for the past 2 days? Yeah exciting I need to go out." I breathed.

"You're still bleeding..."

"Like a period yeah it's fine. Honest." I smiled at him.

"I thought we could have lunch together." Richard sighed clearly annoyed by all of this.

"I'll be back in like an hour. We can go then. It's only like 11:30." I nodded.

"Jen are you sure this is a good idea?" He snapped as I tried to leave through the doorway he was stood in. "I can always come."

"I'm fine. Between you and Lily, anyone would think I was dying or something." I laughed pushing past Richard only to see Lily going into her room and listening to what I had said.

"No just your baby dying." Richard said from behind me as I made eye contact with Lily.

"See ya." I frowned at them both as I took off down the stairs on the brink of tears.

"Where is she going?" I heard Lily say to Richard.

"Modelling." Richard grunted. Then I was on the bottom floor and couldn't hear them anymore once I shut the front door behind me and got in the car.

- - - - -

"She's been sick." George said in my defence.

"For weeks now, months almost." His father, who was making some changes said to me.

"I was in an accident." I told him showing him my still bandaged up arm which I chose not to put in the sling at this moment.

"And how long left with that cast on?" He sighed.

"3 or 4 weeks if I look after myself." I smiled.

"That's 3 or 4 weeks worth of photo shoots and measuring and fashion shows that you're not a part of. There are plenty of people out there who want this job, easy money when you're pretty. George convinced me last time to let you back after over 6 months off the job but how can I trust you now?" His father was not happy with me at all.

"Well, I want to be here I do. I like the people and I really enjoy myself here. I can still come in for measuring and still go to the shows so I'm not behind on what everyone else has been doing. And you know it's odd to say but there's nothing wrong with my legs or feet, I can still do shoes..." I explained.

"You're about to be in between age gaps at the moment anyway Jenna I wasn't sure what to do with you in the first place. You're twenty soon which means you're out of the teens and the next stage up is 21+" He shrugged.

"I can do the 21+ stuff you know I can, I've been to loads of their shoot before pretending to be just 21. Even if I have to do office work for a bit I don't mind." I smiled.

"Office work?"

"Yeah I can do simple office stuff I'm ok with computers." I shrugged.

"She can help me. Be a kind of assistant just until she's back in action." George suggested. "I'm always swamped and you said you would get me some help."

"Alright. Maybe, we can have a little think about it." His dad finally agreed instead of kicking me out.

- - - - -

"Hey." I greeted Richard when he came over later that day.

"Hi, I'm just here to grab a few things and I will be out of your way." Richard said as he stepped in the front door and shuffled past me.

"I thought we were getting lunch you didn't turn up. I had to eat alone." I complained as we went upstairs to my bedroom.

"Oh well, tomorrow maybe?" He said.

"How about dinner?"

"I can't. I'm going out to dinner with Tom and my Dad to discuss this job. Finalise everything." Richard said. "I told you yesterday that's why we were doing lunch."

"Well, you didn't turn up." I laughed as I sat down on my bed and he went around my room getting some of the clothes and stuff he left at mine for Tom.

"Because you went to modelling!" Richard suddenly burst out.

"So this is why you're being all funny with me. It's my job I am going to go there." I scoffed.

"It's not you!" He snapped. "You just miscarried a child and the first thing you do when you leave the house is go to work?"

"What else?" I yelled back. "Am I just supposed to sit inside and cry for the rest of my life? Because I've already done a few weeks of that..."

"I want you to be Jenna!" Richard suddenly burst out throwing all the things he had in his hands on the floor.

"Meaning?" I swallowed.

"I've said it before Jen."

"You're not you anymore. Modelling has never been you." He snapped.

"Oh Richard you have no idea. I've been doing this since basically maisie... it's me. Unless you want a 16 year old version of me, I've loved being a model since then." I shrugged.

"I don't know what to say... I don't like it." Richard sighed.

"We said before we would just ignore it. Pretend it doesn't exist." I smiled at him gently.

"Alright we'll see how it goes." He mumbled at me.

"Kiss?" I leant forward pouting at him.

Richard leant over and kissed me gently. "One last thing, you take your time getting back into normal life. You're memory is still a bit rough around the edges and with everything that's happened in the last few days I do not want you to over work yourself to the point of breakdown."

"I promise hun." I smiled at him as he spoke, the consideration in his voice was heart warming.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now