After The Fall.

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The full extent on the pairs injuries were coupled altogether under the category of very fucking bad. When they fell Jenna had fallen backwards and so landed fully and mainly on her head an neck, crashing into the concrete floor.

Richard was a little safer but just as trapped. He had fallen face first through the floor so he was able to see what was going on and aim for a landing spot. He put his hands out and landed conveniently safely. But he was fully trapped like Jenna under the falling debris of this shit house that fell around them.

My arm is what was hurting the most to be honest. I didn't say much about it but it hurt like hell and if it wasn't broken I would be very surprised. But I could feel cuts all over me and loads of bruising everywhere so I assumed I was hurting all over too but the meds were stopping me feeling most of that.

"Please get her out first." I heard Richard practically begging the fire crew as they came to get us out. They had specialist equipment to move the fallen beams and lift us out.

I couldn't find the words to speak now. I couldn't move, I could hardly see a thing and I felt awful.

"Please," Richard begged again.

"Look the quicker you're out the quicker we get her out." One of the men said.

I didn't see it but I heard Richard leave. He was elevated on a rope out of the hole we'd fallen into and I was still here trapped under a beam, feeling paralysed in shock and stuck.

"Jenna can you speak to us please. We need you awake now, you've passed out too many times for our liking." Joe said.

"Okay." I mumbled.

"Tell me how this happened. Why are you here?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"You must know why you're here Jenna, and not at school or work?" He persisted.

"I can't really remember." I spat.

"Jen do you remember what you had for lunch today?" Joe asked.

"Uh... pizza? I'm not sure it was a long time ago." I breathed starting to panic as I think Joe and I had both come to this conclusion together. "Where am I?" I said suddenly.

"You don't know?" He asked.

I shook my head but he leapt forward and kept it still because we all knew what had happened now.

"OK, Olivia I think we've got a case of PTA on our hands. So warn the other patient." Joe called up to her and Richard as they were clearly out now and safe.

"Alright Joe, we're going ahead in the Ambulance, back up will bring you two in." Olivia explained. Then I thought to myself that Richard must be in a bad way too if they felt the need to bring him in on a stretcher.

"Jenna stay with me." I heard Joe say as I felt like drifting off again. "Do you remember me? Because I remember you, you aren't really a lucky girl. I've met you twice before."

"Twice?" I breathed.

"I picked you up when you had your kid." He explained.

"Yeah..." I said.

"And last year or the year before, the crash where your friend was paralysed." Joe continued.

"You were there too? Huh I was too shocked then to notice anything." I chuckled to myself.

"I bet." He smiled down at me. "So can you tell me the last thing you remember doing today?"

"I don't know? I just about remember waking up. What day is it?" I asked.

"It's Saturday." Joe told me.

"I was meant to go on a date with Richard." I breathed.

"OK, don't worry. Looks like the fire team are about ready to lift this beam." He said pointing at the beam that was laying across my waist and arm.


"Right so I'm going to give you some pain relief because this might hurt a little." Joe said as he mucked about by my feet with his medical bag.

Before I knew it, the fire crew were lifting this beam off me and I was screaming a little because it hurt like hell. Joe slid me out on a stretcher and then I was pulled up like Richard out of the floor of this crappy house.

- - - - -

The guys back at the house were just about to start to sit down and watch a movie before Lily got a phone call from Richard in the opening titles and leapt up and excused herself whilst accepting the call.

"Hello? What do you need now..." She laughed down the phone until she halted in her step and breath.

"Hi, this is Olivia, I'm a paramedic. Richard wanted us to let you know that himself and Jenna Coleman were part of a serious accident this afternoon and we're currently transporting him to the hospital." The woman said.

"Right ok and Jenna?" Lily said,

"She's still at the scene. Fire crew are working on getting her out." She said down the phone.

"Lily!" A voice said suddenly. It was Richard.

"Richard?" Lily said.

"He can't talk we're almost at the hospital." Olivia said.

"Somethings wrong Lily, with Jenna... somethings not right." He yelled down the phone trying to get her attention.

"Sorry Miss James, we really have to go."

"Alright, thanks for calling." Lily said as she hung up and walked carefully back into the living room completely shocked and sad.

"You ok?" Matt asked Lily as she sat down in the living room next to him and in front of all the house members eagerly awaiting a film.

"Uh no... someone from the hospital just phoned and then it was Richard, they've been in an accident." Lily announced.

"What? Who?" Matt asked.

"Who else? Jenna and Richard. They didn't give me much, just that she was still being got out by fire crew and Richard was on his way to the hospital. Then Richard begged for the phone and was trying to tell me that somethings wrong." Lily said a little shell shocked because everything from the crash last year started to come flooding back.

"That girl has been in too many accidents." Alex scoffed.

"Oi that's mean." Grace lectured him. "This is serious, you idiot."

"Do you wanna go to the hospital?" Tom asked nicely.

"Uh.." Lily said slowly.

"Of course, we have to." Max laughed as if it was obvious.

"Lil, we don't have to go. They can go and they can tell us how she is." Matt whispered to her knowing she looked really nervous to go back to A&E.

"We have to go, if that means I have to man up and get over what happened nearly two years ago, then I will." Lily said sadly.

"Are you sure?" Matt asked as the rest of them started going to grab their phones and coat and keys to get ready to go.

"I'm sure. She's my best friend." Lily smiled.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now