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"I'll always call you and you're flying out to New York in four weeks so it won't be long at all. You can go home and be with violet and your family for a few weeks and then we get to see each other." Richard kissed me as we laid in bed together that night. He was leaving in the morning.

"I'll be fine." I smiled. "I love you." I kissed him slowly and passionately.

"You'll tell me if you feel really low or down? Or at least tell lily and make sure you take your tablets everyday..." he smiled.

"I will be fine." I nodded.

"Why does if have to be so soon." Richard kissed me more and more and gently on the neck.

"Four weeks without this..." I breathed as I started to remove my pyjama top.

"I don't know how I'll cope." He gently trailed kissed down until he got to my chest and started to gasp.

"I love you so much." I said as he came and kissed my lips again.

"I love you too." He breathed as our forehead locked together and we started to fully undress Under the covers.

- - - - -

"Hey hey." Richard whispered as I opened my eyes early in the morning.

"Richard?" I frowned whispering because I hadn't cleared my throat yet.

"Don't get up." He smiled at me.

"You're dressed." I was so confused.

"The taxi is downstairs but I wanted to tell you..." Richard began but I panicked.

"The taxi? Hold on I'll be five minutes, I'll just throw on some shoes and grab a jacket." I mumbled leaping out of bed tiredly.

"Jenna..." he sighed.

"I'll be 2 minutes I promise...."

"Jenna stop. You don't have to come." He smiled.

"You're leaving, I have to go with you to the airport. We planned I would drop you off..." I panicked.


"No I have to come with you." I begged.

"Look if you come with me to the airport I won't get on that plane..." Richard sighed.

I don't know why but I just started to cry. I was going to see him in four weeks but recently he's been my rock and I've leant on him for everything.

"Hey we will see each other so soon..." he smiled. "Now just remember everything I said to you yesterday, keep taking your pills and going to therapy and call me whenever, day or night."

"Ok." I cried then he gently wrapped his arms around me and we hugged goodbye.

"I love you." He whispered before we kissed.

"I love you so much." I said kissing him again.

"Ok, go back to bed it is so early I'll see you soon." He winked at me but even though I was smiling I was crying my eyes out still. I watched him leave the room as I sat in bed.

- - - - -

Minutes after Richards car pulled away lily came into my room to see how I was.

"You're awake?" I said glancing at the clock seeing it was 5am.

"Yeah Richard said you might need distracting." Lily smiled getting into bed with me.

"Thanks lil." I smiled at her.

"Well he did pay me." She joked.

"Ha ha." I smiled. "Thank you for always being here." I hugged her and then we laid down at talked all morning about Richard.

- - - - -

"While we are on fairly sensitive topics Jen, do you want kids?" Lily asked as we were up chatting all morning.

"God uh well, yeah more than you can imagine." I explained. "After losing maisie I thought I was never going to have another kid, or even be able to get pregnant again I don't know why I thought that. But when I got pregnant last year I was relieved and slightly happy that I had a second chance..."

"That makes sense." Lily hummed.

"That's why that one hurt more because it was my body telling me no." I shrugged.

"Well Not always. People miscarry all the time and then their next baby is absolutely fine." Lily nodded.

"Wanna know a secret?" I laughed.


"After Maisie, when Richard and I were together again we actually started to try to get pregnant." I hummed raising my eyebrows.

"What?" Lily looked so shocked.

"We both wanted a kid after that so all through our senior years when I was recovering from her death... we never had protected sex." I explained.

"That's crazy that I never knew that."

"Yeah but we broke up and got back together too many times and we stopped all that. If hadn't already guessed some of the arguments that broke us up were always heightened by the fact we were trying to have kids together." I laughed.

"Oh my goodness." Lily scoffed. "I cannot believe you didn't tell anyone."

"It was kind of a, if it happens it happens. But we just didn't use protection for the longest time." I shrugged.

"I'm glad you talk about it all you know... before you would say Maisie's name and you'd be locked in your room for the week but now you're so Well Jen." Lily smiled.

"Thanks lil. That why I have to get through this time without Richard. I can do it..." I smiled.

"Another serious question..." lily asked. "Are you going to marry Richard? He has asked..."

"I can't say for sure right now but if it wasn't for what happened before Christmas I think I would be leaning towards saying yes to his proposal. We haven't actually spoken about it once since that day." I laughed nervously.

"That's so strange!" Lily remarked.

"Yeah but I refused it so I bet it doesn't want to bring it up." I scoffed.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now