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"How's she doing?" Lily asked Richard the next morning.

"Well we've had to change and wash the sheets about 10 Times, that's not an exaggeration. She's bleeding so much I didn't know how much blood is possible to come out of one person." Richard nodded. "We have been through so many pyjamas and now we have now come to the solution of wrapping a towel around her to absorb any blood."

"Oh poor thing. I bet it's like a period but 10 times as bad. Does it hurt?" She asked.

"I think her exact words were 'hurts like hell' so take from that what you wish." Richard scoffed. "I'd say go and speak to her but she didn't get loads of sleep last night and I think she's napping now."

"That's ok, I have dance class for a bit. Any idea when you think she'll be over this?" She asked.

"Well...She said in the night she felt like a big clot come out and ever since apparently all the blood is coming out in like chunks... sorry if this is really gross." Richard breathed.

"I have periods nothing's that gross anymore." Lily laughed.

"Yeah well the nurses at the EPU said it would most probably all come out by tomorrow night. The next day at the latest." Richard smiled.

"Oh right, ok then." Lily nodded. "I'll see you both later, I'll be back this afternoon."

"See ya lil." Richard called as she left the house.

- - - - -

I couldn't explain to you the cramping that was going on in my stomach right now. It was like period cramps mixed with contractions you get in labour. They were awful and so painful.

"Thank you." I smiled as Richard placed tea on my bedside table. "My Knight in shining armour..." I teased sitting up in bed with this huge bath sheet/towel wrapped around my waist.

"Need more pills?" He asked.

"I got some." I nodded placing them in my mouth as I sipped my tea and swallowed them.

"Come here." Richard smirked leaning over from the other side of the bed and we kissed briefly. "You're so brave." He whispered stroking my arm.

I didn't have anything to say back, I just looked down at then went back to my tea.

"You doing ok?"

"I guess so. Nothing's changed, I'm still bleeding as heavy, I'm still hurting like hell. Feeling like shit." I snapped.

Richard grabbed my hand and sat up next to me in bed. "None of this is your fault," he kissed my cheek. "You are so strong... and beautiful and brave. And we will get over this, together."

"I thought, maybe going back to therapy was a good idea." I breathed.

"You believe things are that bad?" He stroked my hand still holding it.

"I don't want things to get as bad as they were." I said turning my hand over so my Palm was facing up, revealing the faint scars from the depression I had about a year ago.

"I agree." He ran his thumb up and down my wrist. Then I pulled away quickly and picked up my tea instead.

"So I called Kate." I smiled suddenly.


"Yeah a few days ago when the news sank in. I realised I needed help and I called and explained everything. Except what's happened in the past 24hours." I nodded.

"Wow." Richard smiled. "Alright, she was a therapist at our school Jenna. Why don't we find someone better?"

"Better than the person who knows more about me than you do?" I smirked.

"What does she know?" Richard smirked back.

"All my secrets." I laughed. "Look she's happy to do it. She does do therapy outside of school anyway so I'll just be another one of her clients."

"If that is what you want then cool." Richard smiled.

- - - - -

"I hear you're in a lot of pain?" Lily smiled walking into my room as I was laying in bed feeling pretty shit.

"You hear correctly." I smirked.

"Need anything?" She asked.

"Not really. But thank you." I sat up slightly.

"Oh hey." Lily turned back before she went to leave the room. "I was wondering, your memory? Is it better now, or not?"

"Uh I think it's all back." I shrugged.

"The people downstairs? Our friends? You know who they are yet? They're worried about you, just want to chat and the whole house has said that you haven't hardly spoken to them since the accident." Lily frowned.

"It's kinda hard to chit chat about what I had for lunch when something like this is happening to me." I sighed.

"Alright, it wasn't meant in a mean way. So you remember them?" Lily repeated.

"Mostly." I nodded. Which wasn't true, I remembered holly and grace the most, they were our close-ish friends. Then I remember Alex from what Richard told me about him, basically Richard doesn't like him so I get constant hate about Alex.

Tom I knew was like there but I hardly saw him and apparently we weren't close anyway. Max was who I was disappointed with, I couldn't remember him at all and apparently we were really good friends. Out of all the boys except Matt of course, I was closest to him everyone told me.

"Jenna." She moaned.

"Lily?" I laughed.

"Once this is all over, I want you to come out and socialise with us again. You were locked away before, going to modelling alone and being on your own a lot. If you spent time with your friends then you're going to remember them." Lily scoffed.

"Alright, I'll think about it. Speaking of, Richard said you phoned modelling. What did you say? What did they say?" I asked.

"Well, it was hard to explain to them what happened after the incident. I said you were severely injured and they won't want you in there with that cast on anyway... I haven't phoned them since." Lily nodded.

"I said every week keep them updated." I sighed.

"I wasn't going to call and say oh yeah and she was lying to you this whole time, she was pregnant and now she's having an awful miscarriage. Come on Jen?" Lily frowned. "You're friends with the boss."

"I'll call him, don't worry. Thank you for everything you did though, especially last night and after the accident." I smiled.

"No problem." She smiled back.

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα