What now?

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"What do we do now?" I asked Richard as we were walking around the ground of the university after the ceremony has finished and he'd taken photos with all his family.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I can't move to New York..."

"I spoke to your dad."

"Oh yeah what did he have to say?" Richard scoffed.

"Nothing important." I smiled up at him.

We walked to my house in complete silence both just going over in our heads what we were going to do now.

When we reached my door I unlocked it and went in but Richard didn't follow me.

"Come in silly." I laughed.

"My dad arranged dinner with him and some business clients..." Richard hummed.

"Oh ok." I nodded.

"I love you Jen." He kissed her cheek.

"I think you should go!" I said all of sudden as he started to walk away from the house.

"What?" Richard frowned at me.

"I think you should go to New York." I had no idea what I was saying but at the same time I completely understood why I was saying this.

"What do you mean? Did my dad say something to you?" He looked over concerned.

"No of course not. I just think it might be good for you. To get away and get started on the business... I'll still be here, I promise. I shouldn't be the one holding you back..." I explained.

"I don't want to go Jenna." Richard frowned.

"I think it would do us some good. To be apart. I've caused a lot of drama recently and I'm in a good enough place now..." I smiled.

"That doesn't matter. I don't want to go." He insisted.

"I think you'll enjoy it actually. It's one summer. I can go one summer. Then you can make your decision whether you want to come back or stay there." I laughed.

"I'll change our plane tickets from LA to NYC. You can come visit and I'll come home and visit." Richard said sadly but he finally agreed.

"I know it'll be tough but it's the right thing to do." I smiled.

"I'll come by tomorrow and we'll talk more. I've got to go." Richard smiled and kissed me before he ran off.

I closed the door behind me and sighed. His stupid dad got into my head or I'd be insisting that he stayed.

- - - - -

"Everything ok?" Lily asked as I went into the kitchen that night to mKs myself some tea.

"Not really." I sighed.

"What's going on?" She said concerned, she was on top of everything in my life since everything that happened. She wanted to make sure there was someone there for me whenever I needed it and that someone was her.

"Richards moving to New York." I sighed.

"You're joking." Lily scoffed.

"Exactly what I said. His dad thinks it'll do him some good, make him grow up stop doing the jumping out of planes and drinking with his friends all the time. Wants him to run his company in New York..." I explained.

"We'll surely he's not going... when is he meant to?"


"As in this Sunday? Like not tomorrow but the next day?" Lily spat.

"Yep." I hummed.

"He won't go..." Lily shrugged.

"I told him to." I breathed.

"You what? You told him to go?" Lily frowned. "I thought you two were in love..."

"We are. But what his dad said... it's true. Richard too busy partying to cope with real life, he never knew what to do when I told him I tried to...you know... maybe he does need to grow up and maybe New York is where he needs to do it." I sighed.

"That's crazy. Richard does not need to move half way across the world to grow up. What are you going to do all summer without him? You planned your entire summer together." Lily frowned.

"I know... I'm going to see him, change my flights to NYC." I shrugged.

"There must be something you can do..." Lily hummed.

"I don't think so, but I'm tired it's been a long day and I wanna go to bed. Richards coming over tomorrow, we can talk more about it then." I smiled before walking upstairs to my room with my tea.

- - - - -

"Can we stop referring to me as if I'm a baby that needs looking after?" I lashed out suddenly. Richard, lily and Matt were all in my room and we were discussing Richards dilemma.

"You're not." Richard held my hand as we sat on the bed together.

"We don't mean that either, it's just... you know how great things have been going since well you know... and we don't want anything to change that." Lily smiled.

"Well as much as you guys say all this... Richards parents have no idea what happened 6 months ago..." I swallowed.

"Then we tell them." Richard smiled at me. "I know it won't be nice but they have to appreciate that... I know you hate me saying it but things are better when I'm around." Richard said. "I hate to sound vain."

"No you're right Richard. I hate to say it to your face Jenna but you are different when Richards in your life, you're grounded and normal." Lily smiled.

"She's got a point." Matt nodded.

"If Richard needs to take his career to America it does not mean that I will go and find a cliff to jump off of. You guys know I'm not that weak..." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course." Richard squeezed my hand. "You just have to appreciate that things just got good again and now they're going to go crazy again?" He frowned.

"I get it." I shrugged. "But I still think you need to go..." I smiled at him.

Richard sighed he knew I wasn't giving up. He knew he was going really. There was fighting his parents.

"Maybe it's what we both need, your dad made some ok points you know. You'll go and get to run a business in New York, not many people get that chance... and maybe I need to learn to cope without a boyfriend by my side constantly." I shrugged.

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