Fighting again.

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I thought Molly being around was going to make me uncomfortable but apparently, I was wrong. Everyone but me found it way more awkward.

I let Molly and Richard introduce her to the group who did not know her. Tom and Holly were the first they had to tell and she was an 'old friend' and then Grace, Alex, and Max got 'it's complicated, just a friend.'

It was later that night when only the girls were going to go out that I was getting ready with Lily in her room, Grace and Holly were in and out sometimes. Richard was meant to be downstairs with the 'boys' watching some sport of some kind but he burst into Lily's room.

"Can I talk Jenna alone for a sec?" Richard demanded.

"This is kind of my room, go next door." Lily moaned.

"Lily, Please!" He shouted suddenly. I was waiting for his outburst, he spent all day pretending he okay when he clearly wasn't.

"Fine, chill out." Lily left the room and I sighed as he stood there angrily.

"You okay?" I asked him gently.

"No, okay I'm not okay." Richard moaned sitting down on the bed.

"Annoyed by Molly by any chance?" I asked smiling.

"Yes, why is she staying here?" He groaned and moaned.

"You invited her," I laughed.

"No, you did." He yelled at me.

"Hey, don't start with me. I haven't done anything I'm not the one sending secret letters to her." I blurted out suddenly.

"What letters?" He suddenly sprung back to life.

"The letters in your bottom drawer at your old flat. They were either addressed to molly or from her." I frowned at him. "Have you been speaking? Sending love letters?"

"No, of course not. I don't-- know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb the bloody love letters you hid away Richard!!" I yelled suddenly.

"It's not a love letter!" He demanded storming off like a two year old having a hissy fit.

"Well then get me to a hospital because I'm clearly seeing things!" I yelled at him.

He walked out of the room at the end of my sentence and then suddenly Lily appeared. She didn't say anything she just started to get ready again.

"I can't believe him, he didn't even give me a real explanation for why she is here and now he's getting all sensitive about these letters. Is there anything that you know that I don't that might help me out here?" I asked Lily quietly.

"What would I know?" Lily raised her eyebrows.

"You said he had secrets." I smiled at her.

"He does but I can't tell you, I swore I wouldn't." Lily groaned suddenly because she knew she was in shit now.

"Lily, this is the difference between us being together or not? I need the truth." I insisted.

"Ok, fine." She admitted. "A while ago and I mean a while ago... like before Christmas, Richard came to me at my house."

"What?" I breathed.

"He told me he was scared because he thought he had feelings for this girl he helped out in the club and he told me how much he loved you but he was scared. He thought he might like someone else." Lily told me and I felt like shit.


"He never said a name but he liked her and thought it might go further than friendship. So I told him he was an idiot for involving me in this and that I hate how he did this to you. Then I told him that if he still loves you then he's probably just crushing on someone. I mean everyone is allowed to be attracted to someone who isn't their boyfriend or girlfriend."

"Right so--"

"Let me finish... So I told him he was a dick, then within less than I week, he told me he was sorry, that it was just a crush and that he loves you more than ever. You know it was at the time of all the stuff with you, the... self-harm and I think he was just sad. Again he didn't mention a name." Lily finished.

"And then a month later these letters turn up in his drawer? huh..."

"I don't think it was Molly. I feel like he would have told me if it was her." Lily confirmed.

"I'm just annoyed I thought we were doing so well." I sank into the bed.

"Hey, take another sip of your very alcoholic drink, get up and go out. Forget about him, get blind drunk and enjoy yourself. Discuss all this tomorrow." Lily encouraged.

"Great idea." I laughed sipping the drink and then smiling at her. "I'm sorry you got caught up in this."

- - - - -

At pres I was very drunk. So straightaway Richard jumps into action even though he was angry at me and me at him. He starts to worry about me because I was being very reckless. I walked into the kitchen to get another drink whilst Richard was in there talking to Holly and Matt and I immediately just fell backward too drunk to stand.

"Woah Woah Woah," Richard mumbled picking me up off the floor. Matt had one hand and Richard the other. I then leaned on Matt as he helped me get another drink.

"Jen please don't drink anymore, you scare everyone if you fall like that and you won't even get into the club," Richard mumbled in my ear.

"I'm fine, I'll act sober when I get there. I promise." I smiled at him.

"Molly I hate to ask this... but you're the only sober one here, can you look after her?" I heard Richard say as we were leaving.

"We'll be fine. We don't need help from your ex." I said in front of everyone and people were very understanding now why we were uncomfortable in this situation.

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