Weird mood.

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"You need a bigger coat." I pointed out a section for him and this huge warm coat. "You like this one?" I asked. 

"That's expensive you've already bought enough for Lilliana, I don't need anything." Tom explained. 

"Well you need these things and I'd rather I knew you were warm too. How about new shoes for you both?" I asked. 

"I dunno." He said uneasily. 

"Ok, so new shoes and a coat, we got you some new jeans, a few jumpers and a few tshirts. Then we need underwear and a bag for all this stuff. Then we can get you both a water bottle and some cans of food and loads of snacks to last you a little while."

"Cool we have got use of the facilities in that house." Tom explained. "I know it's shared but I can still bathe Lily most of the time and have a quick shower every now and again." 

"Then i'll buy you guys some shampoo and body wash and all that stuff fantastic." I screeched excitedly. "Every time you say Lily, instead of Lilliana I just think about my best friend... sorry weird thought."

In the end I bought them over £200 worth of stuff in that one shop and we went to a few other shops too so probably got closer to 300 but it was worth it. I took him back in the car with a suitcase full on stuff for Lilliana and another suitcase for just him. I bought ones with locks on so even though these people he lives with are nice they still can't steal it. 

"I can't thank you enough." Tom said. "Will you come and meet Lily and I can introduce her to the person who's helping us."

"Sure," I smiled as I helped with the suitcases towards the abandoned house.

- - - - -

"Lilliana?" Tom called after we climbed through the window. 

"Daddy." This sweet little girl appeared and hugged her dad. 

"Hey Lily, I want to introduce you to someone." Her dad bent down to her and then revealed me standing there holding the cases. 

"Hi." I smiled. "I'm Jenna,"

"This young lady has bought us all this..." Tom said pointing to the suitcase to which he then got her one and opened it up to her. 

"What's inside?" She asked. 

"Well, we got you new school clothes and casual clothes. A lovely new coat and in this new backpack is something special." He pointed out. 

She opened it up and saw a toy and started screaming and jumping up and down. It was cheap gift but she bloody loved it. 

"Thank you." Lilliana leapt up and hugged me too. 

"It's alright. I'm going to help you and your dad." I said bending down next to her giving her a hug. "I'm going to get you guys back on your feet." I smiled as I stared across at Tom and he locked eyes with me and smiled too.

"Thank you Jenna." He said as he walked me back to my car. 

"It's no problem and here's my number so if you move or need anything you can call me but I'll be back here soon hopefully to check everything is alright." I nodded. 

"Thank you so much!" Tom burst out giving me a hug and I jumped at first and then smiled and hugged him back. 

"See ya later." I said as I got in my car and drove home. 

- - - - - 

I felt weird for the rest of the day. I couldn't get Tom and Lilliana out of my mind. It was funny that i'd been watching them for weeks and now I knew them. I knew their story and everything that happened today was such an eye opener. 

"Jenna?" Richard asked as we had dinner with Lily and Matt for our date night that week. 

"Yeah?" I smiled. 

"You were day dreaming there for a second. Is something on your mind?" He asked. 

"Uh yeah, yeah it is. I need the money so I don't think I'll eat out tonight guys sorry. I'm going to eat whats in the fridge." I explained knowing if I just went home and put the £30 I would have spent tonight in a pot I could do that all the time and give more money to Tom and Lily. 

"Are you crazy? I'm paying." Richard said, "This was to celebrate you getting that job at the paper."

"Oh well i'd rather the money," I laughed in a joke. 

"Are you serious Jen?" He frowned at me. 

"Sorry I was joking of course thanks for dinner in advance then.." I smiled. 

"No problem. If it means you can quit modelling and start the job at the paper instead then I am all for it." Richard explained. 

"I'm not quitting modelling." I laughed. "No way. I make triple what I would at the paper. I'm doing both I'll be fine I promise." 

"Can you guys not argue at dinner for once," Lily sighed. "You're making it way harder jen just accept it and Richard please understand she will never do anything other people tell her to do only what she thinks so don't bother even trying."

"OK we will stop the arguing." Richard and I agreed. 

- - - - - 

"You're embarassing." Richard snapped as they walked home.

"Im embarassing?" I snapped back. 

"Yes, you can't keep brining money up like theres a problem," He sighed. 

"There is but its got nothing to do with you. Okay?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Whatever Jenna. Your acting weird today what happened?" He yelled. "I bet it was work eh?" 

"No I didn't go to work today." I blurted out today. 

"You had a day off and didn't tell me, I was free today we could have done something." Richard laughed. 

"I was busy ok." I snapped. 

- - - - -

"Jenna come on..." Lily said following me as I stormed ahead of us all on the way back to the house. 

"I'm sorry I can't right now. I have a lot on my mind." I sighed. 

"Ok, well did you have to take that out on Richard?" She asked as he was still in ear shot. 

"No, I just need less questions and more compliance. Sorry look we're home now, im going to bed I can't think anymore I need to sleep." I shrugged looking across at Richard and Lily and Matt before I went inside and to the top floor. 

In Omnia Paratus Book 3Where stories live. Discover now